    Abstract Chrysanthemum is a traditional Chinese medicinal and edible herbs, common "Bo chrysanthemum", "Chu Ju", "Chrysanthemum", "Chrysanthemum" and so on. The quality of chrysanthemum from different sources is different, resulting in the current market quality is not stable, affecting the production and clinical use of Chinese medicinal materials and their preparations. This experiment using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) combined with chemometric methods, make full use of NIRS rapid, non-destructive, non destruction and high efficiency characteristics, from a sample of direct access to information analysis, the maximum retention in different habitats of similar medicinal samples between small differences. The main research content includes: (1) collected from different sources of Flos Chrysanthemi; (2) of different sources of chrysanthemum total polysaccharide components were determined. The collection of sample NIRS; (4) modeling method of choice; (5) spectral pre processing method of choice; (6) model for evaluation and prediction. Established in chrysanthemum polysaccharide NIR PLS calibration model, to the MSc method combined with 2D method, nd method on the original NIR spectra pretreatment, optimal number of latent variables is 6, the model of the correlation coefficient (R) 0.8329, correction of root mean square error (RMSEC) 0.0586 to predict root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) was 0.104 predicted value and true value of good correlation, indicating a PLS model can effectively predict the content of polysaccharide in Chrysanthemum samples of unknown content. The establishment of this method will provide a scientific basis for the study of the rapid quality evaluation system of chrysanthemum.
    毕业论文关键词:菊花; 多糖; 近红外光谱法
    Key words:  Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat;  polysaccharide;  NIRS;
    1D    first derivative     一阶导数
    2D    second derivative     二阶导数
    A    absorbance    吸光度
    C    content    含量
    S    origial spectra value    原始光谱值
    n    sample number    样本数
    NIR    near infrared spectra    近红外光谱
    NIRS    near infrared spectroscopy    近红外光谱法
    OS    origial spectra    原始光谱
    PCR    principle component regression    主成分回归
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