

    毕业论文关键词: 植物提取物;免疫细胞;增殖;抗氧化活性

    Study on the effects of several plant extracts on the proliferation of immune cells in vitro

    Abstract:Selected several plant extracts as experimental material, this paper studied the effect of anti-oxidation and on the proliferation of mouse immune cells in vitro. The results showed that different kinds of ingredients showed different antioxidant activity. The Jujube mushroom water extract and ethanol extract showed the highest antioxidant activity among the 17 plant extracts as 95.5% and 90.0% DPPH clearance rate. In addition, water extract and ethanol extract of black fungus, white radish and tremella and extract of letinous edodes ethanol on mouse immune cells proliferation in vitro effect is the most obvious ingredients of them. They showed a higher survival rate and lower cell inhibition rate in a certain concentration and certain incubation time. The effect of white radish on the proliferation of immune cells in vitro was the most significant. It is provided reference for the further study of the choice and consumption of edible food.

    Key Words: plant extracts; immune cells; proliferation; antioxidant activity

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  免疫的一般介绍 1

    1.2  十七种食物的生物性功能简介 1

    1.2.1  花椒的生物性功能简介 1

    1.2.2  生姜的生物性功能简介 2

    1.2.3  肉桂的生物性功能简介 2

    1.2.4  八角茴香的生物性功能简介 2

    1.2.5  黑芝麻的生物性功能简介 3

    1.2.6  红枣的生物性功能简介 3

    1.2.7  山楂的生物性功能简介 3

    1.2.8  枸杞子的生物性功能简介 3

    1.2.9  人参的生物性功能简介 4

    1.2.10  751椒的生物性功能简介 4

    1.2.11  大蒜的生物性功能简介 4

    1.2.12  白萝卜的生物性功能简介 4

    1.2.13  紫甘蓝的生物性功能简介 5

    1.2.14  莲子芯的生物性功能简介 5

    1.2.15  黑木耳的生物性功能简介 5

    1.2.16  银耳的生物性功能简介 5

    1.2.17  香菇的生物性功能简介 6

    1.3  本课题研究的目的和意义

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