    Study on Preparation of mushrooms and Hericium beta glucan and its physicochemical properties
    Abstract:In order to explore the beta glucan extraction method, the experiment in reference to the existing beta glucan separation technique based on, using enzyme assisted hot water leaching method from Lentinus edodes and Hericium erinaceus provided beta glucan and optimization of extraction conditions of beta glucan, and its physical and chemical properties and structure are to be determined. The extraction and purification of beta. Firstly, the mushroom and Hericium erinaceus using 75% ethanol 75 DEG C destroy endogenous enzyme treatment, also remove some small molecular soluble sugar; then the fixed enzyme treatment of extracting mushroom beta glucan. At the same time, the effects of enzyme solution time, hydrolysis temperature, enzyme solution pH, the composite proportion of the amount of enzyme and three enzymes (cellulase, pectinase and papain) of beta glucan extraction rate. By phenol sulfuric acid method to determine the content of polysaccharides, orthogonal design test 
    yield by polysaccharide content and beta glucan, through orthogonal test results, it is concluded that the hedgehog hydnum mushroom beta glucan extracted from the optimal solution: three enzyme mixture ratio of 1:1:1, enzyme dosage is 1.5% enzymatic hydrolysis, pH value is 5, enzymolysis temperature is 65 DEG C, enzymolysis time was 60min; mushroom beta glucan extracted optimal scheme: the composite proportion of the three enzymes was 1:1:1, enzyme dosage is 2.0%, enzyme solution pH 5, enzymolysis temperature is 55 DEG, enzymolysis time for 70 minutes. High performance liquid phase filtration chromatography determination of relative molecular mass, from Lentinus edodes and Hericium erinaceus relative molecular weight distribution diagram can be seen, hedgehog hydnum mushroom beta glucan purity than the mushroom and the purity of the beta glucan is relatively high; infrared spectrometry determination of the structure, based on the infrared spectrum analysis can learn that Hericium erinaceus and Lentinus edodes by enzyme assisted hot water extraction to extract polysaccharide is based on beta glucan polysaccharide.
    Key Words:Lentinus edodes; Hericium erinaceus; beta glucan; hot water extraction; enzymatichydrolysis;phenol-sulfuric acid method;high performance liquid phase filtration chromatography; infrared spectroscopy method
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