
    摘要:本文以双孢菇废弃菇柄为原材料,采用水提法提取双孢菇浓缩液进而制成 冻干粉,同时与双孢菇切片冻干粉进行对比。然后对两种粉末的营养成分以及功 能成分差异进行分析,发现双孢菇菇柄浓缩液冻干粉相比较于双孢菇切片冻干粉 在蛋白质和多糖这两个部分含量有明显差异,其中双孢菇菇柄浓缩液冻干粉多糖 和蛋白质含量分别比双孢菇切片冻干粉蛋白质和多糖含量高出 4.9 倍和 7.5 倍。 同时再将双孢菇冻干粉加以应用,将其与不含面筋蛋白的玉米面粉制作出曲奇, 得到无面筋蛋白双孢菇曲奇。最后利用质构仪、GC-MS、感官评价、Englyst 方 法,对双孢菇曲奇的功能特性进行分析以及观察双孢菇菇柄浓缩液冻干粉添加量 对质构的影响,找到双孢菇无面筋曲奇的功能特性找到双孢菇菇柄浓缩液冻干粉 15%添加在总面糊里为最适添加量。66330


    Preparation and Functional Properties of Agaricusbisporus anti-digestive cookies

    Abstract:In this paper, Agaricusbisporu stem was used as the raw material, and the extract of Agaricusbisporustems was extracted by water extraction and then lyophilized powder was prepared, and compared with the freeze-dried powder of Agaricusbisporus. Then, the nutrient composition and functional composition difference of the two powders were analyzed. It was found that the freeze-dried powder of Agaricusbisporus was better than that of the two parts of the protein and polysaccharide of Agaricusbisporus slices. The contents of polysaccharides and protein in the freeze - dried powder were 4.9 times and 7.5 times higher than that in the freeze - dried powder of Agaricusbisporus. At the same time will be added to the application of freeze-dried powder of Agaricusbisporus, with no gluten-containing corn flour to produce a cookie, get no gluten protein Agaricus powder. Finally, the functional characteristics of Agaricusbisporus were analyzed by texture analyzer, GC-MS, sensory evaluation and Englyst method. The effects of adding amount of

    freeze-dried powder on the texture of Agaricusbisporus were studied. Characteristics found Agaricusbisporus mushroom handle Concentrate freeze-dried powder 15% added in the total batter for the optimum addition.

    Key words:Agaricusbisporus;Functional ingredients; Gluten-freeCookies;Starch digestion


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 双胞菇的营养价值及双孢菇边角料的应用 1

    1.1.1 双孢菇的营养成分 1

    1.1.2 双孢菇的保健功能 1

    1.2  乳糜泻与无面筋蛋白食品 2

    1.3  本课题的立题背景、研究内容及意义 3

    2 材料与方法 3

    2.1  实验材料 3

    2.2  实验仪器与设备 4

    2.3  曲奇的制作 5

    2.4  实验方法 6

    2.4.1  双孢菇菇柄浓缩液冻干粉和双孢菇切片冻干粉的蛋白质测定 6

    2.4.2 双孢菇菇柄浓缩液冻干粉和双孢菇冻切片干粉的多糖测定 6

    2.4.3 双孢菇菇柄浓缩液冻干粉和双孢菇切片冻干粉的灰分测定 6

    2.4.4 双孢菇菇柄浓缩液冻干粉和双孢菇切片冻干粉的脂肪测定 7

    2.4.5 两种冻干粉的溶胀体积,吸油能力和水合作用测定

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