    摘要:牛肉在冷藏贮运过程中,温度波动是难以避免的,本文从汁液流失率、蒸煮损失率、质构变化、脂肪氧化、蛋白质溶解度、颜色、pH等方面探究冷藏贮运过程中温度波动对牛肉品质的影响。具体如下:汁液流失率随着储藏时间的增长逐渐增加,第6天时有所下降,4±1℃温度波动汁液流失率小于4±3℃温度波动;蒸煮损失率总体都呈上升趋势,4±1℃波动蒸煮损失率小于4±3℃波动组;TBARS值总体都是呈上升趋势,而4±1℃波动相较4±3℃波动上升的幅度较小;蛋白质溶解性都是呈现出下降趋势,4±3℃波动比4±1℃波动下降速率更快;pH值呈总体波动呈先下降后上升的趋势,4±1℃波动pH 值在第四天下降至最低随后逐渐上升,而4±3℃波动的pH在第二天后开始上升;L值先上升后下降,a值减小,b值增大,4±1℃波动变化小于4±3℃波动。28601
    Effects of temperature fluctuation in cold storage and transportation on meat nutrition quality
    In this paper, the effects of temperature fluctuation on beef quality during storage and storage were investigated from these aspects of juice loss rate, cooking loss rate, texture change, fat oxidation, protein solubility, color and pH. As follows: during the first 5 days of storage, juice loss rate was rising, On the 6h day the rate started to decline. 4 ± 1 ℃ temperature fluctuations in the juice loss rate of less than 4 ± 3 ℃ temperature fluctuations; The total loss rate of cooking loss was increasing, and the fluctuation rate of 4 ± 1 ℃ fluctuation was less than 4 ± 3 ℃. TBARS values were rising, while the fluctuation of 4 ± 1 ℃ was lower than that of 4 ± 3 ℃. Protein solubility were showing a downward trend, 4 ± 3 ℃ fluctuations than 4 ± 1 ℃ fluctuations in the rate of decline faster; The pH value fluctuates to the lowest and then gradually increases on the fourth day, and the pH of 4 ± 3 ℃ fluctuates after the second day. L value first increased and then decreased, a value decreases, b value increases, 4 ± 1 ℃ fluctuation change was less than 4 ± 3 ℃ fluctuations.
    Key words:
    beef;temperature fluctuations;chilled;meat quality
    摘要:    3
    关键词:    3
    Abstract:    3
    Key words:    3
    引言    4
    材料与方法    4
    1.1  材料和仪器    4
    1.1.1试验材料及处理方法    4
    1.1.2  试验仪器与试剂    4
    1.2 方法    5
    1.2.1指标测定    5
    1.2.2数据处理    6
    2  结果与分析    6
    2.1. 温度波动对汁液流失率的影响    6
    2.2. 温度波动对蒸煮损失率的影响    6
    2.3. 温度波动对质构的影响    7
    2.4. 温度波动对脂肪氧化的影响    9
    2.5. 温度波动对蛋白质溶解度的影响    9
    2.6. 温度波动对pH的影响    10
    2.7. 温度波动对色泽的影响    11
    3  结果与讨论    12
    致谢    13
    参考文献:    13
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