

    毕业论文关键词: γ-聚谷氨酸;壳聚糖;肉桂醛;聚电解质自组装;纳米胶囊

    Nanocapsule preparation and characterization of γ-Polyglutamic Acid/chitosan/cinnamaldehyde

    Abstract:Based on the γ-Polyglutamic Acid and chitosan as wall materials with cinnamaldehyde as core material,By polyelectrolyte self-assembly method under atmospheric pressure slow-release preparation of cinnamaldehyde nano capsule.When gamma γ-PGA,CS concentration of 1 g/L, when the volume ratio of 1:1, gamma γ-PGA/CS shell capsules of the average particle size and dispersion coefficient of 336 nm, respectively is 0.278.Based on this, when the core material in the system when the concentration is 0.7 g/L, the average particle size of  nanometer capsule and dispersion coefficient of 384 nm, respectively 0.312, embedding ratio and load ratio reached 63.8% of the ideal, 187.1%.Performance characterization of cinnamaldehyde nano capsule: the embedding method, shows that between the wall and core material is simply the embedding of physics; Slow-release performance measurement, the release of the core material to present two distinct phases, and the aroma is not distorted in the process; Determination of thermal stability, the core material before and after embedding corresponding to the decomposition temperature of maximum weight loss rate increased significantly, the wall materials to core material has played a good protection effect;Determination of surface morphology of gamma γ-PGA/CS nano capsule is a kind of porous materials, the surface of the porous provides the core material of the embedding place. The results of the study for flavoring, pesticides, fertilizers gamma γ-PGA/CS nano preparation technology and characterization method of sustained-release capsules provides reference.

    Keywords: γ-Polyglutamic Acid;chitosan;cinnamaldehyde;Polyelectrolyte assembly;Nano capsule 


    1绪论 1

    1.1 微胶囊壁材种类 2

    1.2 微胶囊的制备 2

    1.3 微胶囊的应用 3

    1.3.1 医药方面应用 3

    1.3.2 食品方面应用 4

    1.3.3 其他方面应用 4

    1.4 微胶囊技术的特点 5

    1.5 本课题的研究目的和意义 6

    2材料和方法 7

    2.1 试剂与仪器 7

    2.2 拟采用的方法技术 8

    2.2.1 γ-PGA/CS空壳胶囊的制备

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