    摘要:本课题以尾灯座为研究对象,对它的结构和工艺进行分析,模具具体结构的设计,采用热流道模具系统,其中包括喷嘴的设计、流道板的具体参数的选择与设计等等,并采用了斜推杆侧向抽芯结构解决了模具内部槽的成型问题,成型零件采用镶拼结构,脱模采用了推杆推出机构,均匀布局冷却管道保证冷却效果,实现注塑件成型并满足质量技术要求。尾灯座建模及热流道模具设计是以UG软件作为开发平台完成尾灯座塑件的三文数据模型构建。该课题是在学校所开的专业课的基础上,综合运用高级建模的知识建立尾灯座模型从而抽取模具腔体的生产与制造技术,结合了生产实践知识,运用UG NX软件来解决问题,从中可以提高自身分析、绘图、操作等综合能力。10802
    Design of taillights Block modeling
      for hot runner mold
    Abstract: The topics to rear seat as the research object, its structure and process analysis, mold concrete structural design, the use of hot runner mold systems, including nozzle design, the specific parameters of manifold selection and design, etc., and using a lifter side core structure to solve the problem of mold forming within the tank, molded parts using mosaic structure, stripping using a putter introduced institutions to ensure uniform cooling effect of the cooling duct layout and achieve injection molding and meet quality technical requirements. Rear seat and hot runner mold design is based on modeling software UG rear seat as a development platform to complete the three-dimensional plastic parts to build the data model. The topic is open courses in school, based on the integrated use of advanced modeling knowledge creation taillight seat model in order to extract the mold cavity production and manufacturing technology, combined with practical knowledge of production, the use of UG NX software to solve the problem, which can improve their analysis, mapping, operation and other comprehensive ability.
    Key words: Injection mold; runner; side core; modeling
    目  录
    1  绪论1
    2  塑件工艺分析2
    2.1 塑件的结构、尺寸精度及表面质量分析2
    2.1.1 塑件结构分析2
    2.1.2 尺寸精度分析2
    2.2 塑件材料分析3                                    
    2.3 塑件生产批量4
    2.4 分析塑件的成型工艺参数4
    3  成型零部件的设计5
    3.1 选择分型面5
    3.2 确定型腔数量及排位5
    3.3 模仁、模板尺寸的选定6
    4  模架选择8
    5  热流道系统的设计9
    5.1 浇注系统9
    5.1.1 浇注系统设计要点9
    5.1.2 浇口的设计9
    5.2 热流道系统10
    5.2.1 喷嘴11
    5.2.2 流道板13
    5.2.3 热流道系统的装配15
    5.3 冷却系统设计 15
    5.3.1 冷却系统的结构设计16
    5.3.2 水管接头17
    5.3.3 锥形管螺纹堵头18
    6  侧向抽芯机构设计 20
    7  脱模系统设计 23
    8  模具参数及其校和    25
    8.1 初选注射机 25
    8.1.1 浇注系统重量25
    8.1.2 注射压力26
    8.2 校和参数 26
    8.2.1 开模行程的校和26
    8.2.2 推件力的计算27
    8.2.3 推杆压力校核27
    9  模具的安装与试模28
      9.1  热流道模具的安装28
      9.2  热流道模具的试模29
      9.3  制件的质量分析29
    1  绪论    
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