


    毕业论文关键词 拉深成形 扇尾钣金件 有限元分析 正交优化


    Title   Analysis and Optimization of the fantail sheet metal Parts Drawing Process Based on Finite Element Analysis and OrthogonalTest Design       


    Complex shape parts drawing process is not same because of its different characteristics. So their process optimization methods are not consistent.

    The fantail sheet metal parts is a kind of non-axisymmetric part. In the drawing process, it is easy to cause the forming defects such as wrinkling and cracking because of inhomogeneous deformation and stress. Firstly, the numeral simulations of the fantail sheet metal parts drawing were done by the finite element analysis software Dynaform. Then, the influences of blank holder force, friction coefficient, die radius of die and mould gap were discussed in drawing. The reasonable parameters were achieved. Finally, the best scheme of the fantail sheet metal part deep drawing was obtained by orthogonal test.

    Keywords  Drawing, the fantail of sheet metal parts, Finite Element Analysis, Orthogonal Test

    1. 绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景 1

    1.2  拉深成形技术的研究现状 1

    1.3  主要研究目标及内容 2

    1.4  论文的组织结构 2

    2. 扇尾钣金件拉深成形的理论分析 4

    2.1  扇尾钣金件拉深成形特点 4

    2.2  扇尾钣金件拉深成形主要缺陷 5

    2.3  影响扇尾钣金件拉深成形的主要工艺因素 6

    3. 扇尾钣金件拉深成形有限元建模 8

    3.1  扇尾钣金件拉深成形有限元分析仿真流程 8

    3.2  扇尾钣金件拉深成形毛坯的确定 10

    3.3  扇尾钣金件模具设计 11

    4. 扇尾钣金件拉深成形单因素试验 13

    4.1  板料形状对扇尾钣金件拉深成形的影响 13

    4.2  压边力对扇尾钣金件拉深成形的影响 14

    4.3  摩擦系数对扇尾钣金件拉深成形的影响 16

    4.4  模具圆角半径对扇尾钣金件拉深成形的影响 19

    4.5  模具间隙对扇尾钣金件拉深成形的影响 22

    4.6  拉延筋对扇尾钣金件拉深成形的影响 24

    5. 扇尾钣金件拉深成形多因素正交优化

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