    摘要滚珠丝杠副的轴向静刚度反映了滚珠丝杠副抵抗变形的能力, 是影响丝杠定位精度关键因素之一,生产商通常是通过理论公式计算得到轴向静刚度值,与产品的实际值存在一定误差,因此测试滚珠丝杠副的轴向静刚度有重要意义。
    关键字:滚珠丝杠副 性能测试 轴向静刚度 驱动系统
    Title  The Driving System Design And Calculation of Ball
            Screw's  Axial Static Rigidity Test System
    Abstract  The axial static stiffness of ball screw illustrates the ability to resist deformation,that is one of the key factors of influencing the screw positioning accuracy. The manufacturers usually obtain axial static stiffness value by calculation of theoretical formula,and there are some errors between the actual value of products and theoretical value. So the test of ball screw axial static stiffness is meaningful.
      The driving system design and calculation of the Ball screw axial static stiffness test platform is completed in this paper. First,it discusses performance test of Ball screw and the theory of static axial rigidity,and contrast and analyze the research progress between domestic and foreign. Then we take the NSK Ball screw as the research object, according to the new national standard,and talk about different schemes of system drive for axial static stiffness test platform of ball screw. Finally,according to the selected test scheme,the paper calculated speed of driving system, the power and the driving moment.  Then we selected reasonable motor, drive and transmission system.We also make the necessary check about driving system.
    Keywords: Ball screw   Performance test   Static axial rigidity  Driving system
     目  次

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  滚珠丝杠的介绍    1
    1.2  滚珠丝杠副轴向静刚度的定义    2
    1.3  滚珠丝杠副轴向静刚度的国内外研究现状    3
    1.4  课题研究背景及意义    4
    2  滚珠丝杠副的轴向静刚度测试平台总体设计    6
    2.1  主要测试对象及分析    6
    2.2  测试平台工作原理    8
    2.3  测试平台驱动系统方案分析    9
    2.4  测试方案的对比选择    12
    2.5  测试平台方案的最终确定和技术要求    12
    3  测试平台驱动系统的设计计算及选型    14
    3.1  驱动滚珠丝杠副的计算和选型    14
    3.2  支撑滚珠丝杠的轴承的选型    18
    3.3  伺服电机的选择    20
    3.4  各轴功率和转矩的计算    23
    3.5  减速器的选用    23
    3.6  同步带传动设计计算    27
    3.7  大带轮和滚珠丝杠轴端键联接设计计算[11]    34
    4 驱动系统的校核    35
    4.1  滚珠丝杠副的校核    35
    4.2  支撑轴承的校核    43
    4.3  电机径向力校核    45
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