      关键词  反后坐装置  设计  MATLAB/Simulink  数学模型  仿真  调整参数
    Title        The recoil optimization design of light gun   
    Gun recoil mechanism is taken as the research object in the paper by referring to the introduction to gun recoil mechanism at home and abroad. The classification and the working principle of the recoil mechanism are described. According to the design theories, some basic parameters of the recoil mechanism which can meet the demand are gotten through primary design and calculation based on the given initial conditions with reference to the structural parameters of similar gun recoil mechanisms. Mathematical model of the moving recoil mechanism is established and dynamic simulation is done based on MATLAB/Simulink. The size of throttling bar is adjusted through the analysis and comparison of the simulation results.

    Keywords gun recoil mechanism  design  MATLAB/Simulink  mathematical model  simulation  analysis and comparison of the size
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题国内外发展研究现状    1
    1.2  课题研究的目的和意义    2
    1.3  课题研究的主要内容    3
    1.4  系统仿真的发展和仿真软件    3
    2  反后坐装置的结构和工作原理    7
    2.1  反后坐装置介绍    7
    2.1.1  驻退机    7
    2.1.2  复进机    10
    2.2  反后坐装置的工作原理    12
    2.2.1  驻退机的工作原理    12
    2.2.2  复进机的工作原理    13
    2.3  后坐及复进运动分析    13
    2.3.1  后坐运动分析    13
    2.3.2  复进运动分析    15
    3  反后坐装置的设计    16
    3.1  原始参数及要求    16
    3.2  液体气压式复进机的设计    16
    3.2.1  复进机设计的要求    17
    3.2.2  液体气压式复进机力的变化规律    17
    3.2.3  液体气压式复进机结构尺寸的确定    19
    3.3  节制杆式驻退机的设计    22
    4  建模及仿真    24
    4.1  MATLAB/SIMULINK软件简介    24
    4.2  后坐运动过程动力学模型建立    26
    4.3  后坐运动过程动力学仿真    29
    4.4  仿真结果分析    31
    4.5  节制杆尺寸调整后仿真    32
    4.6  复进节制器结构设计    36
    4.7  复进过程动力学仿真    37
    4.8  沟槽尺寸调整后仿真    39
    结  论    42
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