


    毕业论文关键词  滚珠丝杠  滚道型面  摩擦力矩  润滑 试验台


    Title   The Design of Ball Screw Test-bed Based on Raceway   Surface,Friction Torque,Lubrication Fundamental Research                                            

    Abstract There are many factors which affect the usability and the working life of ball screw. The dimension error of raceway surface generated by processing and the friction torque generated by preload and the method of lubrication are the leading factors. Meanwhile,there is much relationship among the dimension error of raceway surface,friction torque and lubrication method.   The design of synthesizing type fundamental theory test-bed in this paper is used to study the relationship among the dimension error of raceway surface,friction torque and lubrication method and to improve the usability and the working life of ball screw. The design is mainly work out the combination of the measurement between raceway surface and the friction torque,and finish the integrated design of the ball screw test-bed,and finish the selection of the sensor of raceway surface measurement/friction torque measurement and the schematic design of  measurement and control system.

    Keywords  ball screw  raceway surface  friction torque   lubrication     test-bed

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题意义与背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  研究思路 3

    2  试验台试验方案选择 5

    2.1 试验台测量原理分析 5

    2.2 试验台测试方案选择 6

    3  试验台总体方案设计 9

    3.1 试验台传动方案确定 9

    3.2 系统总体构成 10

    3.3 设计要求 12

    3.4 设计技术性能参数指标 13

    4  试验台机械系统设计 14

    4.1 概述 14

    4.2 传动系统设计 15

    4.3 测量架与工作台设计 26

    4.4 尾架设计 29

    4.5 导轨设计 30

    4.6 床身设计 32

    5  试验台测试系统设计 34

    5.1 概述 34

    5.2 输入扭矩测试传感器选取 34

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