

    通过和金属切割器的仿真模型进行对比, 40mm直径的水刀装置能够在不引爆钢板后部炸药的同时切透16mm的钢板,而40mm直径金属切割器虽然能够切透钢板,但同时也会引起炸药爆炸。60102

    毕业论文关键词  水射流  线性切割器  数值仿真   弹药销毁


    Title  Scheme Design of Explosive Water Jet Device Destroy   Dangerous Ammo                                                   

    Abstract To handle hazardous crowded area of dangerous ammo, explosive water jet device is designed. Based on the relevant principles of shaped charge, in a linear shaped charge for a model, water jet formation and penetration process was studied and engineering model was established. By dynamic software AUTODYN, the engineering model established before was done for numerical simulation. Through the analysis of simulation results to improve the engineering model, got a set of meet the requirements of the explosive water knife device design scheme.

    Through the comparison between the simulation model and metal cutter, 40 mm diameter water jet device can cut through the 16 mm steel plate at the same time don't cause the charge exploding at the back of steel plate. Although 40 mm diameter metal cutter can through the 16 mm steel plate, but the same time, the charge at the back of steel plate was exploded. 

    Keywords  water jet  liner shaped charged  numerical simulation   ammunition destruction 

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  本课题的研究目的、手段和主要内容 6

    2  爆炸式水刀装置的基本原理 7

    2.1 引言 7

    2.2 射流形成理论 7

    2.3  聚能射流的破甲理论 16

    2.4  本章小结 19

    3  爆炸式水刀装置的整体设计 20

    3.1  引言 20

    3.2 爆炸式水刀设计流程图 20

    3.3  爆炸式水刀的初步设计 21

    3.3 爆炸式水刀的总体设计 29

    3.5 本章小结 30

    4  爆炸式水刀装置作用过程数值模拟 31

    4.1  引言 31

    4.2  二维仿真 31

    4.3  三维仿真 39

    4.3 本章小结 41

    结  论 43

    致  谢

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