

    首先,针对这类简易平面波发生器的作用过程特点,对增加铝环后主副药柱间爆轰波传播过程进行了分析:对铝介质的作用过程分析了冲击波从一种介质传播至另一种介质时分界面处的反射与透射过程、冲击波在密实介质中的衰减、冲击波引爆炸药过程;对装药中心空气隔爆作用过程分析了爆轰产物的膨胀、冲击引爆炸药等过程。并运用AUTODYN动力学软件进行数值仿真,对给定装药添加铝环并调整尺寸,得到了在50%直径范围内时间差小于0.03 μs的爆轰波形。60417

    其次,在此基础上对该简易平面波发生器驱动飞片作用过程进行数值仿真,通过检测飞片速度的平面度更直观地检验波形的平面性,得到了使飞片平面度小于0.2 μs的最佳铝环尺寸。


    关键词  爆炸力学  平面波发生器  飞片冲击试验  高速飞片


    Title    Simple Plane Wave Generator and Scheme Design of     Flyer-plate-impact test                                                 


    In order to realize a simple high speed flyer driving device, there is an analysis and design on the function principle of a simple plane wave generator based on the engineering model and numerical simulation.

     First, according to the characteristics of the function process, the propagation process of detonation wave between grains by adding an aluminum ring is analyzed. To the function process caused by aluminum medium, some processes, such as the reflection and transmission of shock wave at interface from one medium to another, the shock wave attenuation in the medium, and shock wave initiation of explosives are discussed. On the other hand, to the gap effect process caused by aluminum medium in the middle of charge, processes like expansion of detonation products and shock initiation of explosives are analyzed. In the numerical simulation with the hydro-code AUTODYN-2D, a detonation wave of which flatness is less than 0.03 microseconds in the range of 50-percent-diameter is obtained by adding an aluminum ring to one definite charge and adjusting its size.

    Then, a numerical simulation to the process of the simple plane wave generators driving flyer-plates is carried out based on the previous study. By detecting the velocity of the flyer-plate, the flatness of wave can be tested intuitively. The optimal size of the aluminum ring is obtained, which can lead to flatness less than 0.2 microseconds of the flyer-plates.

    Finally, a flyer-plate- impact test driven by the simple plane wave generator is designed, of which the flatness of flyer-plate is tested by the probe method. The reliability of the test scheme is verified.

    Keywords  simple plane wave generator  flyer-plate-impact test  mechanics of explosion  impact dynamics  probe method

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本课题的研究目的、手段和主要内容 5

    2  简易平面波发生器作用原理研究 6

    2.1  引言 6

    2.2  沿铝路径下的主药柱起爆时间计算

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