

    关键词   火工品   隔板起爆器 钝感装药  安全性  动力学仿真


    Title   Insensitive through bulkhead initiator    simulation  development                                                

    Abstract In order to improve the ignition problems after sealing,the clapboard of detonator was researched out.However the traditional initiators for sensitive charge don’t work well in security aspects.To solve the problem of electric detonator safety,LS-DYNA software was applied to develop insensitive propellant clapboard initiators.The diaphragm material for simulation is determined as 40CrNiMoA steel,whose shock wave attenuation rate is smaller and other performance is better. Donor and acceptor explosive both select JH-14 insensitive high explosive,which is relatively easy to blasting.The experiment plans to discuss the effect of the change of thickness of the diaphragm,the charge mass ,the size of ladder hole .From the point of view of design principles,insensitive through bulkhead initiator can realize accurate booster and itself is safe as well.Therefore insensitive through bulkhead initiator have good engineering application prospect.

    Keywords:  explosive device   through bulkhead initiator   deterred charge    security    dynamics simulation

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景和意义 1

    1.1.1  隔板起爆器的发展史 1

    1.1.2  隔板起爆器研究的局限性 2

    1.1.3  本课题拟取得的成果 2

    1.2  隔板起爆器简介 2

    1.2.1  爆炸序列的功能作用 2

    1.2.2  隔板起爆器的基本组成和应用 3

    1.3  火工品简介 4

    1.3.1  火工品的基本功能和应用 4

    1.3.2  火工品的发展史 4

    1.3.3  火工品在军事上的应用 4

    1.3.4  火工品在民事上的应用 5

    1.3.5  火工品的设计原则和设计要求 5

    1.4  火炸药简介 5

    1.4.1  火炸药的组成 5

    1.4.2  火炸药爆炸的冲击波效应 6

    1.4.3  爆轰的特征参数 6

    1.5  本文的主要研究内容 7

    2   冲击起爆 9

    2.1  爆轰波的CJ理论

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