    关键词  预控破片,外刻槽,网格参数,数值仿真
    Title  The Design of 155mm Controlled Blast Fragmentation Warhead                                                        
    As the major damage unit for fragment warhead, fragment is an important form for target damage. Controlled fragmentation aims to improve the production rate of the large mass fragment and the consistency, it is an important means to raise the lethality of fragment warhead. In this paper, pre-controlled 155mm anti-armor warhead for the study of fragmentation theory summarized, first projectile overall structure simple design, and secondly, the use of natural AUTODYN-2D software and three different fragments were grooved grid Numerical simulation of the shell broken, the number of fragments and fragments obtained energy to get through a comprehensive comparison of natural differences fragments and fragments of pre-control, while the pre-selected preferred form of control grid, then grid parameters on the different housing materials fragments formed were evaluated and found large differences in the same grid parameters fragments housing formed of different materials.
    Keywords  controlled fragmentation, external groove, pattern parameters, numerical simulation
    1.绪论    1
    1.1破片杀伤战斗部的介绍    1
    1.2研究的目的和意义    1
    1.3国内研究现状    2
    1.4国外研究现状    3
    1.5本文主要研究内容及工作    4
    2.破片形成的相关理论    6
    2.1 引言    6
    2.2 破片的形成理论    6
    2.3 破片的杀伤威力    8
    2.4 本章小结    14
    3.弹体结构设计及校核    15
    3.1弹体的结构设计    15
    3.2壳体强度校核    18
    3.3本章小结    22
    4.仿真模型的建立    23
    4.1 AUTODYN软件的介绍    23
    4.2 AUTODYN的基本算法    23
    4.3 TG的简单介绍    24
    4.4 有限元建模    26
    4.5 本章小结    32
    5.数值仿真与数据的分析    33
    5.1刻槽和未刻槽方案对比    33
    5.2不同网格尺寸下的仿真结果对比    35
    5.3不同材料的仿真结果对比    36
    5.4三文仿真模型    38
    5.5本章小结    40
    结 论    41
    致 谢    42
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