



    Abstract Since 08 years after the financial crisis, the shipbuilding industry has entered a stage of downturn, but with the global economic recovery in recent years, the demand for containers also began to rise. Container vessel has the advantages of fast transportation, high economic efficiency, strong storage capacity and convenient transportation, the container has a decisive role in the past, present and future global shipping industry.

    Shipbuilding production design is the design, technology and management of the financial design, technology and management. Design, technology and management of integrated design and management technology of the production design in shipbuilding, ship production design solve the "shipbuilding" and "how to rationally organize shipbuilding production", the implementation of the production design in shipbuilding is in order to achieve shipbuilding hull outfitting painting integration management mode and achieve the purpose of high efficiency and high quality of shipbuilding, in the development of modern shipbuilding industry occupies a very important position. This graduation design is a combination of modern shipbuilding mode of advanced concepts and modern shipbuilding mode of production, combined with the shipyard construction and container ship structure characteristics and construction process, according to the teacher provides task books and drawings, in its knowledge, check to read data, ask classmates and under the careful guidance of the teacher. Finally using AutoCAD and word, computer software of 2700TEU container ship cabin broadside E32P sectional design and production, and draw out the segment structure diagram, jigsaw puzzle and lifting diagram, preparation of parts lists and coating are segmented, hoisting concrete production design case.

    Keywords: container vessel; Hull production design;  Production design; CAD

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2集装箱船 2

    1.2.1 集装箱船简介 2

    1.2.2 集装箱船的分类 2

    1.2.3 国内外集装箱船的发展现状和前景 3

    1.3 造船生产设计 4

    1.3.1 造船生产设计的发展 4

    1.3.2 造船生产设计的基本内容 4

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