



    毕业论文关键词: 集装箱船;总体设计;型线绘制;静水力计算;双燃料动力

    Abstract Text: Container ship is also called container ship, it is loaded into the container to transport the goods of a vessel, container ship than any other form more flexible, loading and unloading of labor saving,

    container ship can effectively reduce the loss of the goods in transportation, ensure the quality of the goods. Container ships in China starts late, but development is rapid. In recent years has been gradually catch up with advanced shipbuilding countries. Container ship has become the world's major shipping industry the main research object.     

    Container ship to the country or even the global shipping market also plays a more and more important role. 510 TEU of container ship design mainly USES MAXSURF software technology implementation, MAXSURF is a relatively complete can complete software of computer aided ship design and construction, combined with AutoCAD software can carry out and the results of data processing and analysis. The design in the reference ship application knowledge at the same time, the main use of the mother ship transformation method to carry on the design. Include the principal dimensions of the overall design calculations, drawing lines plan and general arrangement, using modeling software and the design of the performance calculation of the ship and propeller and so much.       

    510 TEU of container ship by LNG dual fuel host. LNG for liquefied natural gas, the application in the ship can effectively reduce energy consumption, reducing operating costs, and safety performance is high, which makes the dual fuel is more and more get the favour of shipping industry, also make the ship has a better economy.

     Key words: container ship; The overall design; Type line drawing; Static hydraulic calculation; Dual fuel power

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1集装箱船概述 1

    1.1.1当前集装箱船市场介绍 1

    1.1.2 沿海集装箱船介绍 1

    1.1.3国内外现状 3

    1.1.4国内外仍存在的问题 4

    1.1.5发展趋势 4

    1.2 船体总体设计主要研究内容 5

    1.3 方法、步骤、措施 6

    第二章  总体构思和主尺度选取

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