



    Abstract Production design is one of the most important shipbuilding projects, is the tie that connects the detailed design and finished production, transferring the drawings to real ship .As the change of the world economy and the world shipbuilding industry in recent years, it is a big issue that to improve production design, and use the production design plan to actively promote transformation and upgrading of China's shipbuilding industry, which helps reach the world shipbuilding top level. 

    This article embarks from the reality, gives an overview of the shipyard's production process and now the actual production capacity, and to the design and production of the status quo and the world shipbuilding development as the basis, using CAD software to draw the production design drawings 80500DWT liquid bulk cargo side 21PS. Then according to the basic block structure diagram to the general layout map, and build the policy about the construction essentials about, and according to these methods mapping the sub structure, segmented board and lifting. A series of sectional design drawings, setting rings hanging horse. At the same time segment lifting, section painting gives specific advice. And discusses the characteristics of structure the bulk of the liquid and the future trend of development.

    Keywords: Liquid bulk cargo ship; modern shipbuilding technology; Segmented production design

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1研究的背景 1

    1.2.1国外研究现状 1

    1.2.2国内研究状况 3

    1.3研究的意义和内容 4

    1.3.1研究的意义 4

    1.3.2研究的内容 5

    第二章  液散货船的概述 6

    2.1引言 6

    2.2液散货船的分类 6

    2.3液散货船的特点 6

    2.4液散货船的发展现状 7

    2.5液散货船的发展趋势 7

    第三章  80500DWT液散货船货舱S21PS分段生产设计 10

    3.1  80500DWT液散货船概括 10

    3.2  主要尺度和参数 10

    3.3  S21P/S货舱分段的建造工艺 11

    3.3.1  S21P/S货舱舷侧分段结构特点 11

    3.3.2  S21P/S货舱舷侧分段所处的位置

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