
    摘  要在08年金融大风暴之后,我国造船业遭受严重创伤,许多船厂经受不住考验纷纷破产倒闭。近几年来,国际船舶市场开始明显回暖,我国船舶制造业的订单量也有所上涨,严峻的形势有所缓和。金融危机带给我们的船舶业的巨大冲击值得我们思考,船厂只有掌握核心技术、改变订单结构组成、提高生产效率,提高利润才能长久屹立不倒。58494




    After the financial crisis in 2008, China's shipbuilding industry suffered heavy losses, many of the shipyard can not withstand the collapse of the entrance examination. In recent years, the international shipbuilding market began to pick up significantly, China's shipbuilding industry orders also rose, the grim situation has eased. Financial crisis brings us to the ship industry is worth our thinking, only to master the core technology of the shipyard, improve production efficiency, change the structure of the order, improve profits to survive long standing.

    This article first introduces the status and development of the container ship, the current stage of the development of such vessels are more common and economic benefits. Combined with the actual production and processing capacity, on the basis of detailed to design and produce 2700TEU container cargo hold top side tank S17P/S sectional. By given detailed design drawings and other data given the construction essentials and draw sub structure, splicing board diagram and the preparation of parts list, set the rings hanging horse, computing a sectional weight and center of gravity and draw Section Rings installation diagram, and makes some research on the manufacturing process, improve efficiency, increase the accuracy of shipbuilding.

    keywords: Container hip; Production Design; Shipbuilding Technology 

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1研究的背景 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 2

    1.3研究的意义 3

    1.4主要内容及安排 3

    第二章  集装箱船概述 5

    2.1集装箱的简介 5

    2.2集装箱的分类和发展 5

    2.3集装箱船建造的价值 6

    2.4集装箱船的发展趋势 6

    第三章  船体生产设计准备 8

    3.1  2700TEU集装箱船概述 8

    3.2  本船分段的划分和建造方法 9

    3.2.1  分段的材料需求 9

    3.2.2  本船分段划分的原则 9

    3.2.3 建造方案 9

    第四章  2700TEU集装箱船S17P/S分段生产设计 11

    4.1  S17P/S分段的结构 11

    4.2  S17P/S分段位置

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