

    本篇文章将以45000立方液化气船的底边舱分段405P/S分段进行生产设计。以液化气船的发展现状为基础,在充分了解液化气船的知识后先写施工要领,施工要领一般是通过基本结构图、分段划分图、总布置图、中横剖面图和建造方针等给出,根据船舶的分段划分图和中横剖面图确定405P/S的分段位置,再结合所有图纸绘制405P/S 底边舱分段的分段结构图、拼板图并对分段结构图进行零件编码和制作零件明细表。根据零件明细表计算分段重量以及重心,然后设计405P/S分段的吊装方式以及吊环吊马的设置并绘制吊环安装图。58495


    Abstract The product design is pided into preliminary design, detail design and production design. Production design is to determine how the design process of shipbuilding when classification society and ship-owner recognize your detail design.

    This article will carry out the production design of the bottom side Tank cabin 405P/S of 27500CBM liquefied gas carrier. Based on the current situation of the development of the liquefied gas carrier. I will write construction essentials when I have fully understood the knowledge of liquefied gas carrier. Construction essentials are generally based on the basic structure, the sectional drawing, the general layout, the cross section and the construction policy, etc. According to the sectional drawing and the cross section of the ship I can determine the location of the 405P/S segment. Combined with all drawings, I can draw sectional structure diagram and panel drawing. Then make coding of parts to sectional structure diagram and make parts list. The crane of the integration is also designed after the weight of the subsection and the gravity point is calculated and I can utilize diagram of the detailed accessories. Then I can get the rings of the installation drawing.

    keywords: Liquefied Gas Carrier; Production Design; Shipbuilding Technology 

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究的背景 1

    1.2 研究的意义 2

    1.3 国内外研究现状 2

    1.3.1 国外研究现状 2

    1.3.2 国内研究现状 3

    1.4 研究的目标和内容 5

    1.4.1 研究的内容 5

    1.4.2 主要内容及结构安排 5

    第二章  液化气船的概述 6

    2.1 引言 6

    2.2 液化气船的分类 6

    2.3 液化气船的特点 6

    2.4 液化气船的发展现状 8

    2.5 液化气船的发展趋势 9

    第三章  船体生产设计准备 11

    3.1 27500CBM液化气船概括 11

    3.2 承建船厂生产能力 11

    3.3 船体建造方案与原则 11

    第四章  27500CBM底边舱405P/S分段生产设计 13

    4.1 货舱底边舱405P/S分段建造工艺 13

    4.1.1 货舱底边舱405P/S分段的建造方法

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