



    毕业论文关键词:桥式起重机; 结构设计;起升机构;运行机构。

    ABSTRACT This article is design for ten ton bridge crane. It can be pided into ordinary bridge crane; simple girder crane and metallurgical special bridge crane 3 kinds. Ordinary bridge crane is general by lifting trolley and bridge operation organization, bridge metal structure group into Lifting car again by lifting mechanism, trolley mechanism and the car frame of three parts. Lifting mechanism includes motor, brakes, reducer, drum and pulleys. Driving speed reducer electromotor through reel rotation of wire rope around the drum down and lifting weights with. Car frame is a tore and installation of hoisting mechanism and the car mechanism, etc. Parts of the frame are usually for welding structure. Crane operation organization drive mode can be pided into two kinds: one kind is concentrated drive, which is a motor driving long shaft drive on both sides of the active wheels, Another kind is respectively driven, namely on both sides of the active wheel each with a motor drives. The ordinary bridge crane in this article uses concentrated drive, the other uses the respectively driven.

         In this paper from the bridge crane hoisting mechanism began to design, hoisting mechanism is primarily designed to determine the content of the main spreader, pulley and rope, drum type selection, pulleys choice, the choice of motor, reducer choice, brakes selection, selection coupling, and wherein the correlation calculation: the operation and design of the crane mechanism. Operating agencies for the design of the main contents of the cart wheel and rail size calculation options and their respective running resistance calculations, the choice of motor and reduction gear, brakes, couplings, select its associated buffer calculation and checking. Run institutions run into car bodies and carts run institutions, the car is centralized transmission mode; carts to each transmission mode. Final design of the crane girders and metal structure of the end beam, dual-beam bridge girder structure, the main beam and end beam welding is used in connection mode.

    Keywords: the bridge crane; structure design。


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