


    Abstract wer cranes play an increasingly important role in modern society, the widespread use in building nuclear power plants, construction of hydropower stations from port cargo loaded, play an important role. Along with social progress, scientific and technological development of human living space is getting smaller and smaller, the people of the house more to build the higher the tower crane is playing an increasingly important role in the high-rise building construction. At present, China's tower crane performance is basic in eight, the mechanization level of the nineties, and modern intelligent, digital control technology, there is a great gap to keep up with the needs of the market. Representative of contemporary tower crane technology performance stepless speed regulation, PLC control in developed countries are very common in China, at best, 2 percent; developed countries have mass, the running state parameter monitoring and fault diagnosis of intelligent tower machine, while China has just started, or gaps, such as the experimental means, the majority of enterprises do not have the pretreatment of raw materials and component parts into the plant inspection capabilities; component parts production enterprises, varieties of duplication, production quality poor. This issue is the overall design on the basis of the understanding of the institutions of the tower crane, tower crane hoisting mechanism, luffing mechanism, slewing mechanism, hydraulic jacking institutions.

    Keywords: tower crane; hoisting mechanism; slewing mechanism;Mechanical Design

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1塔式起重机背景 1

    1.2塔式起重机发展现状及前景 1

    第二章 设计原则和参数 7

    2.1工作级别 7

    2.2塔式起重机载荷及其组合 8

    2.2.1载荷分类 8

    2.2.2载荷系数 8

    2.2.3载荷组合 10

    2.3材料及其许用应力 10

    2.4主要性能参数 12

    第三章 总体方案设计 14

    3.1总体布置 14

    3.2金属结构 14

    第四章 起升机构 18

    4.1 钢丝绳与卷筒的选择

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