


    毕业论文关键词:表面粗糙度; 三维设计 ;多媒体软件; 双管显微镜


    Surface roughness is caused by factors such as the mark that leaves on workpiece surface, the devolop tumor formation and falls off, the plastic deformation of cutting separation and processing system of high frequency vibration. It is one of the problems often encountered in industrial production. We usually used instrument to measure the parts of high accuracy or the parts which you want to determine the roughness parameter values. The main methods of measurement include light-section method and optical interference. The main task of this graduation design is that the experiment of measure the Rz value by light-section method had been completed,and the simulation of this experiment which realized  by computer auxiliary and the three-dimension design of light-section microscope (double tube microscope).

    In this graduate design, Solidworks software had been mainly used to complete the three-dimension design of double tube microscope, and Authorware multimedia software had been used to make the content of experiment to measure the Rz value by double tube microscope. Making multimedia software and the three-dimension design is fully combined with this graduate design, which makes an objective vividly demonstration of the whole experiment process, which makes students a more profound study and understanding of the experiment.

    Key words: the surface roughness;  the three-dimension design ; Multimedia software ; double tube microscope  


    第一章   绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究现状和发展 1

    第二章  简述表面粗糙度的测量 3

    2.1 概述 3

    2.2 实验目的及实验内容 3

    2.3 仪器及测量原理说明 3

    2.3.1 实验仪器 3

    2.3.2 工作原理 4

    2.3.3 实验步骤 7

    第三章  三维设计及仿真动画 9

    3.1 三维软件的应用 9

    3.2 Solidworks建模过程 9

    3.2.1零件的建模 9

    3.2.2 虚拟装配的设计过程 14

    3.2.3 零部件的配合完成虚拟装配 15

    3.4 渲染的制作 17

    3.5 动画的制作 19

    3.6 动画处理 21

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