

    毕业论文关键词:门座起重机 ;港口 ;机械设计

    Abstract The graduation project is the mechanical design of the 10t port portal cranes.With the rapid social and economic development,the development of the port trade exchange is in the ascendant. Ancient canal water transport,modern river and sea transport,  demonstrating the interpretation of the port economy is an integral part of social development; Riverside development in Jiangsu Province、coastal development, show more interpretation of the the Jianghai linkage beautiful prospects, Great marine economy in deep excavation is to port as the carrier, Port gantry crane as the port economy, a key link, Its importance is self-evident natural. The graduated design of the main portal cranes of the port 's four major institutions——Hoisting mechanism、Rotary mechanism、Luffing mechanism、and the operating agencies, carring on the principle discussion analysis and the design calculation and its drawing respectively, but also as a reference to the Port of Shanghai Factory M10 -30 type crane, draw the diagram of 10t port gantry cranes and involved in some important parts diagram. In the paper I also specifically port gantry crane safety device classification and discussion .

    Keywords: Portal cranes ;Port; Mechanical Design

    目  录

    第一章  绪  论 1

    1.1国内外研究的水平和发展状况 1

    1.2本课题研究内容 2

    第二章 门座起重机简介 3

    2.1 门座起重机简介 3

    2.1.1 门座起重机构造及原理 3

    2.1.2 门座起重机的分类 4

    2.2 门座起重机的技术参数 4

    2.2.1起重量 5

    2.2.2幅度 6

    2.2.3起升高度 7

    2.2.4工作速度 7

    2.2.5生产率 8

    2.2.6轨距 8

    2.2.7基距 8

    2.2.8轮距 8

    2.2.9轮压 9

    2.2.10外形尺寸 9

    2.3门座起重机的稳定性 10

    第三章 门座起重机的起升机构 11

    3.1起升机构概述 11

    3.1.1起升机构任务 11

    3.1.2起升机构的组成 11


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