
    摘要汽车制动器是汽车的安全系统中的重要部分,在汽车各系统中,制动系统尤为重要。一旦制动器发生故障,制动效能失效,所导致的结果将会是毁灭性的。因而对制动器的合理优化设计相当重要。如今,制动器可分为鼓式制动器和盘式制动器。钳盘式制动器较于鼓式制动器具有其无法比拟的优点,并在当今社会得到了越来越广泛的应用。钳盘式制动器又分为定钳盘式制动器和浮动钳盘式制动器。在本次设计中,将选取浮动钳盘式制动器。首先,先了解了浮动钳盘式制动器的工作原理及其大体结构和其发展概况,然后对其进行方案设计选择,计算选定相关参数,选定相关零部件,按照参数进行计算,确定各零部件的尺寸,选定材料。之后,再对其进行三维建模,运用pro e软件建立浮动钳盘式制动模型。最后将其导入Adams中,对其进行运动学及动力学仿真。最后绘制出其二维装配图及零件图。52515

    毕业论文关键词:钳盘式制动器;pro e三维建模;Adams仿真

    Abstract Automotive vehicle brake is an important part of security systems, each system in the car, the braking system is particularly important. Once the brake fails, the braking performance failure, the result would be devastating. Thus the rational optimization of the brake design is very important. Today, the brakes drum brakes and disc brakes pided. Caliper disc brakes with drum brakes compared to its incomparable advantages, and in today's society has been more widely used. Caliper disc brake caliper disc brakes are pided into fixed and floating caliper disc brakes. In this design, the selected floating caliper disc brakes. First, to understand the floating caliper disc brakes working principle and the general structure and overview of its development, and its design selection, calculation parameters selected, the selected related parts, in accordance with the parameters were calculated to determine the zero the size of components, the selected material. After its three-dimensional modeling and then, using pro e software to build a floating caliper disc brake model. Finally, Adams, import, its kinematics and dynamics simulation. Finally draw out its two-dimensional assembly drawing and parts diagram.

    Keywords:Caliper disc brakes; pro e three-dimensional modeling; Adams simulation


    第一章  绪论4

    1.1 制动系统设计的意义4

    1.2 制动器的发展历程5

    1.3 目前制动器的现状  5

    1.4 盘式制动器国内外现状分析  8

    第二章 制动器的结构与设计原则10

    2.1 汽车制动系功用及分类 10

    2.2 轿车前轮盘式制动器的结构与工作原理 12

    2.3 制动器设计的一般原则 15

    第三章  制动器设计 18

    3.1 主要设计参数及主要元件 18

    3.2 制动器制动力分配曲线分析 23

    3.3 确定前后轴制动力矩分配系数 26

    3.4 制动器效能因数 26

    3.5 制动器制动力矩的计算 27

    3.6 制动系统性能要求 27

    3.7 摩擦衬片的磨损特性 30

    第四章  校核与技术要求 33

    4.1 制动器的热容量和温升的核算 33

    4.2 制动器的调试 34

    第五章   Adams运动仿真分析36

    5.1 虚拟样机的发展及Adams的概述 36  

    5.2 Adams/View的界面 36

    5.3 运动仿真及动力学分析 40

     结语  45

     致谢  46

    参考文献   47

        第一章 绪论



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