

    本次毕业设计运用了二维处理软件CAD、三维建模软件solidworks以及多媒体制作软件Authorware,来讲述“用大型工具显微镜对外螺纹的参数进行测量”。 从而有效的改变了传统教学的单调模式。此次多媒体制作加入了音乐、图片、动画以及言简意赅的文字,使教学课堂更加活跃,增加了学生对实验的兴趣,同时也对大型工具显微镜有了较深的了解。


    Abstract Threaded connection and Screw drive in the industrial production of a widely used, in order to meet the thread connecting the requirements in practical application. We need its main geometric parameters measured, the main geometric parameters: thread diameter, thread pitch, and half of thread angle. As the thread of these three parameters of error is the combined effect of threaded screw, So we need by measuring results, calculated the actual pitch diameter of screw thread, cumulative pitch error and tooth type half angle error of diameter equivalent diameter thread, obtained the role, with the standard tolerances for comparison, practical conclusions drawn thread.

    This design uses of a large number of two-dimensional processing software CAD,3D modeling software solidworks and multimedia production software Authorware,to show "universal tool microscope external thread parameter measurement". The subject effectively changed the traditional teaching of the monotone mode, Multimedia joined the music, pictures, animation, and concise text, so that classrooms become more active, increasing student interest in the learning process, but also on the Universal tool microscope with deeper understanding.

    Keywords: Screw thread parameter;Multimedia;Universal tool microscope;Pitch diameter equivalent.


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究现状和发展 1

    1.3 本文的主要内容 2

    第二章 螺纹参数测量实验介绍 3

    2.1实验目的 3

    2.2 实验仪器的介绍 3

    2.3 实验原理介绍 5

    2.3.1 螺纹螺距的测量原理 5

    2.3.2 螺纹中径的测量原理 7

    2.3.3 牙型半角的测量原理 8

    2.3.4 作用中径 8

    2.4 实验步骤 9

    第三章  实验装备的三维设计 11

    3.1 相关软件的介绍 11

    3.1.1 三维设计软件 11

    3.1.2 图片视频音频等编辑软件 12

    3.2 三维场景的设计 14

    3.2.1模型的建立 14

    3.2.2 模型的装配 21

    3.2.3 场景模型的渲染

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