


     Abstract  Surgical microscope X-Y plane with compact mobile application is especially so on the operating microscope mounted below the plane of the microscope can make small movements of the adjustment device. In order to achieve this purpose, the design drawing machine with moving table X-Y other large equipment experience. As with sliding screw drive, but because the surgical microscope is relatively small, so the use of a sliding screw are small, and the driving force of DC micro gear motor. Based device moves slow, small size, light weight and other characteristics used in motors, power transmission components such as sliding screw through calculation using a small agency. To accommodate the movement of suspended mode, the fixed structure of multi-use rail connecting plate. After setting the control system can still be added as a motor control system, and leads to the control means on the housing, a motor control system to zero for a mobile device, and adjust the setting.

     Keywords:Surgical microscope ;X-Y plane mover ;sliding screw shaft 


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外的发展现状 1

    1.3 主要研究内容 1

    1.4 研究方法与步骤及措施 2

    第二章 总体方案设计 3

    2.1 手术显微镜的X-Y平面移动器国内外的方案比较 3

    2.1.1丝杠螺母机构特点 5

    2.1.2 丝杠副的比较 5

    2.2 确定总体结构 7

    2.2.1总体结构在车床中一般有如下几种分类 7

    2.3导轨副选择 8

    第三章 机械及传动部分设计 10

    3.1伺服电机选择 10

    3.1.1电机的选择依据 10

    3.1.2电机的负载力矩和惯量的计算 10

    3.2滑动丝杠的相关选择 12

    3.2.1滑动丝杠副轴向间隙的调整和预紧 12

    3.2.2滑动丝杠副的密封与润滑 13

    3.3 丝杠螺母副的计算及选择 13

    3.3.1丝杠的校核 14

    3.4 支承方式的选择 18

    3.5 联轴器的选型 19

    3.6 导轨的选型及计算 19


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