



    ABSTRACT With the progress of science and technology, auto industry, shipbuilding industry and so on many professions also along with the rapid development of people for the product in the use of performance requirements more and more high. In order to make the enterprise products of lower manufacturing costs, shorter development cycle, and safety performance is higher, a new kind of swing test rig. And in this paper, the design of ship's auxiliary engine test bench of hydraulic system, which is a simulation of the maritime movement of the swing machine hydraulic system. The swing machine capable of lifting, rolling and pitching three sports, used to simulate the imaginary situation when ship sailing on the sea, and in the lab, can get a machine on the sea of performance verification.

       This article first analyze the mechanical structure of the test rig, after simple understanding of the structure, is analyzed with mechanics, and integrate data can get hydraulic cylinder of the technical indicators, in order to design the hydraulic components. Finished according to the principle of the electro-hydraulic proportional closed loop control system of hydraulic principle diagram design, draw the hydraulic principle diagram, step by step analysis of hydraulic principle figure, and thorough understanding of the working state of hydraulic principle diagram. Focus on the selection for key hydraulic components and checking. Introduces the basic parameter of the accumulator type selection, to intermediate post on the accumulator group and the actuator calculation and selection of accumulator. Determines the selection of pump station, draw the sketch the pump station. 

    Key words: Swing machine; hydraulic system;hydraulic components


    第一章   绪论 1

    1.1选题背景及意义 1

    1.2国内外摇摆实验台研究及使用现状 1

    1.3本文的主要内容 2

    第二章 船舶辅机试验台的总体介绍 3

    2.1总体指标 3

    2.2机械结构介绍 3

    2.3本章小结 4

    第三章  船舶辅机试验台的液压系统设计 5

    3.1液压系统的整体方案设计 5

    3.2 加载液压缸的设计 7


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