








    Water unmanned craft is a kind of autonomous navigation in Marine environment, and complete the tasks in accordance with a variety of small water sports platform, because there is no operation, so it's decentralized and it is difficult to recycle, and this design is mainly to study unmanned craft sling the electrical design of the system, the goal is to successfully give and receive no boat.

    First chapter for the introduction, first of all, no one boat has carried on the simple introduction, tells the story of unmanned craft function, studies the significance of unmanned boat sling the device and in the unmanned craft sling the device at home and abroad research status and development trend, and finally tells the story of the research content of this design.

    Chapter two introduce unmanned boat davit work, is for the design of the electrical schematic diagram below for bedding, in this chapter, introduced the main view and lateral view of unmanned boat davit, can get people to no davit has a more intuitive understanding. At the same time explained the davit ways of working, its devolution and recycling processes.

    The third chapter is the focus of the design, we need no boat crane system is put on the main circuit diagram design, including determining the position of the hydraulic motor, wiring, startup mode, etc. Design control circuit diagram, and then in the control circuit diagram, we need to prevent winch, main hook wave, differential pressure switch alarm analysis, the electrical connection diagram to determine the electrical schematic diagram of the main switch, indicator light, alarm positioning, analysis of the operation mode control circuit. After analyzed unmanned boat electrical connection of sensors in hoisting device, sensor at the ends of the hanging arm is responsible for the unmanned boat down and recovery of wire rope tension test, in order to determine whether to start the wave compensation, start the wave compensation after the wire rope will be a constant to a force, to ensure no one boat balance, can not rollover when down or recycling. Next PLVC connection to carry on the design of lifting point around, to explain its wiring and PLVC terminal box. The next design other connection body and PLVC terminal box, and analyzes its principle.

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