



    Abstract Hydraulic motors as one of hydraulic actuator, its product quality directly affect the system performance. Therefore, the accurate testing of the hydraulic motor is to identify strengths and weaknesses, improving structural design, improve the technological level, to ensure system performance and an important way to promote product upgrades.

    This paper on the mechanical structure of the hydraulic motor test bed are overall analyzed,after the simple understanding of the structure,mechanical structure parts of each part on the bed are analyzed and options,and complete the test bed of flange design,and completed the test board in the design of clamping system,that makes it possible for hydraulic motor tighten or mobile.In this article includes the hydraulic motor test bed 2 d assembly drawing CAD mechanical structure parts.In this article also has carried on the simple to control system is introduced,combined with the hydraulic motor test stand in front of the mechanical structure,automatic test board clamping pneumatic system,completed the hydraulic motor test bed automatic clamping system design.

    Keywords:mechanical structure;automatic clamping flange;hydraulic motor

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究现状及问题 2

    1.3液压马达实验台未来发展趋势 3

    1.4本文的主要内容 4

    第二章 测试台机械结构总体设计 5

    2.1工作台的测试流程要求 5

    2.2测试台的总体组成介绍 5

    2.3机械结构部分的组成 6

    2.3.1 液压马达 6

    2.3.2磁粉制动器 8

    2.3.3扭矩传感器 10

    2.3.4联轴器 13

    2.3.5 T型铸铁平台 14

    2.3.6零件之间的配合连接 15

    2.4自动夹紧机械结构装配图 19

    第三章 自动夹紧气动系统的设计 21

    3.1法兰盘 21

    3.2 气缸 22

    3.2.1气缸的简介 22

    3.2.2 气缸的结构 23

    3.2.3气缸的选型及回路设计 25

    3.3转角缸 25

    3.3.1转角缸的简介 25

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