


    毕业论文关键字  压缩机组   测试系统  试验台  自动控制


    Title    Water-cooled and air-cooled compressor test



    In order to meet the needs of the compressor tests, a compressor test system is designed and developed. The system test the unit which the cooling capacity is range 40-100kw ,and its cooling capacity test methods is the flow meter method, also it can be compatible with four kinds of working fluid. System is able to test and evaluate multiple parameters, automatically record and save the measurement parameters.Test-bed system is composed by refrigerant circuit, condensate loop and chilled water loop, of which the refrigerant circuit can achieve air-cooled and water-cooled units switching, condensate and chilled water loop can exchange heat, in order to achieve energy-saving purposes. Test bench can test conditions and stable conditions in the national standards to measure the unit and automatically monitor the operation, automatic test and record data.

    Key word  Compressor  Test System  Test-bed  Automatic control

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  背景及目的 1

    1.2  制冷压缩机组现状 2

    1.3  相关标准 2

    1.4  有关测试系统的理论及发展趋势 3

    2  系统设计参数及方案 5

    2.1  设计技术参数 5

    2.2  设计方案 5

    3  系统测试方法 10

    3.1  压缩机组制冷剂回路 10

    3.1.1  制冷量的测量 11

    3.1.2  含油量的测定 14

    3.1.3  低蒸发温度时的测量方法 15

    3.2  冷却水回路 17

    3.3  冷媒水回路 18

    3.4  系统参数 18

    4  设备设计与选型 20

    4.1  换热器的设计与计算 20

    4.1.1水冷式冷凝器 20

    4.2.2  风冷式冷凝器 23

    4.2.3  蒸发器 24

    4.2.4  中间换热器 24

    4.2 阀的设计与选型

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