


    Abstract This paper focuses on the production of courseware PPT software for mechanical manufacturing base. The first introduces the basic requirements of the multimedia courseware development, as well as multimedia courseware should be noted that some problems, and finally be able to achieve the effect. Also this paper introduces multimedia courseware software, the ubiquitous PowerPoint, as well as the now-popular Flash software. Next is the PPT production. It describes how to use the software to make the PPT. How to insert text, pictures, WordArt, tables, graphics in PPT, and the contents of the edit, modify. Below in each section is accompanied by pictures, more intuitive, and a clear understanding of a step for the process. Also red circle painted figure, the method used to prompts. How and edit hyperlinks in PPT and how to use the PPT animations, custom animations, rich contents of the PPT. Finally, parts bracket jig design, involving parts fixture orientation, positioning, clamping and machining accuracy of the analysis, in which to insert a picture, to show the fixture design process. The end would like to thank Chunyan teacher`s guidance.

    Keywords: Multimedia courseware; Machinery Manufacturing; PowerPoint

    目      录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  选题的目的和意义 1

    1.2  国内研究状况及存在的问题 1

    1.3  课题的确认 2

    第二章  多媒体课件 3

    2.1  计算机多媒体课件设计开发的基本要求 3

    2.1.1  计算机多媒体课件的目标与定位 3

    2.1.2  课件的选题 3

    2.1.3  编写课件所需脚本 3

    2.2  开发课件软件的选取 5

    2.2.1  演示文稿软件PowerPoint 5

    2.2.2  网页制作软件Flash 6

    2.2.3  公式编辑软件Math Type 7

    2.2.4  制图工具Auto CAD 2007 7

    第三章  机械制造基础课件的制作 8

    3.1  总结知识网络,划出重点 8

    3.2  准备素材 8

    3.3  运行并设计主题 9

    3.4  PPT的制作 12

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