
    摘要摆线针轮行星传动具有传动比范围大、结构紧凑、可靠性高和寿命长等显著特点,在通用传动领域应用广泛。近年来随着工艺技术的不断完善,研究人员的不断深入,应用范围不断开拓,在工业机器人、雷达天线、精密机床、宇航设备、测量仪器等领域都有一定的研究和应用。目前,摆线传动在齿轮传动领域中占了很重要的地位,摆线传动以及提高其性能的创新和应用已经成为相关领域的研究热点之一。上世纪30年代由德国人Lorene Braren发明摆线针轮行星传动减速器以来,摆线传动由于很难在其它传动形式中保持摆线针轮传动的诸多优良特性,目前摆线传动的传动形式还局限于少齿差行星传动的范畴。本文在分析一种新型摆线传动的基础上,进行摆线行星传动的基础研究。53206





    Abstract Cycloid pin gear planetary drive with a wide range of transmission ratio, compact structure, high reliability and long life and other significant characteristics, widely used in general drive field. In recent years, as the technology continues to improve, the researchers in-depth, application scope and constantly open up, there are some research and application in the field of industrial robots, radar antenna, precision machine tools, aerospace equipment, measuring instrument. At present, the cycloid transmission accounted for a very important position in the field of gear, cycloid drive and improve the innovation and application of its performance has become one of the research hotspots in the related field. However, since the 30's of the last century by the German Lorene Braren proves that the circular arc and Cycloidal Tooth profile as conjugate curves for transmission, fully meet the fundamental theorem of tooth profile and meshing, since the invention of the cycloid planetary reducer, cycloid drive because it is difficult to keep many excellent features of cycloidal needle wheel drive in the drive form, the transmission form cycloid drive is limited to a few teeth difference planetary transmission. Based on the analysis of a new type cycloid drive, basic research of cycloidal planetary transmission.

    The main research work is as follows:

    (1)On the model surface cycloid transmission as an example, research on the basic theory of surface cycloid drive, including meshing, meshing characteristics, geometry, and surface cycloid drive transmission;

    (2)On the model surface cycloid meshing pair of 3D modeling, study the advantages and disadvantages of the engagement; through the movement simulation, forms of engagement.

    Keywords: cycloid planetary motion, theory research, 3D modeling, motion simulation.


    第一章 绪论···1




    第二章 理论研究···4








    第三章 新型摆线传动装置机构设计···19

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