

    本论文以液压设计手册为依托,对整个液压系统从控制原理到缸体执行进行了详细设计。首先确定了液压元件的执行方式和各个结构功能参数,然后针对这种液压站的功能、机构特征,初步确定液压站的系统原理图 ,接着对液压系统的各个元件进行详细的标准件选择,最后将整个系统中各个元件优化组合并绘制了液压泵站总体装配图。

    毕业论文关键词:运行工况  压力时间图  变量泵  油路块

    Abstract Hydraulic power pack is a hydraulic power source device which is constituted with such as the electric motors for driving, fuel tanks, spillover valve ,on the other way it is a hydraulic device including application valve. The general principles of its working is the electric motors provide he pressure to driven the pump, by the hydraulic manifold blocks 、and hydraulic valves to regulation control the direction 、pressure 、and the follow rate of the drive set to achieve all kinds of regulation actions .Hydraulic station is widely used on various occasions in hydraulic power transmission, it can be highly integrated and fully automatic control, the space can be made in accordance with the specific corresponding shape. So the design of hydraulic power pack have great practical significance . 

    In this thesis, I designed the whole hydraulic system from control principle to implement by cylinder body based on the manual of hydraulic design detail . First of all, set the modalities for the implementation of hydraulic components and the structure and function parameters, and then determine the system principle diagram directed towards the function and institutional characteristics of this hydraulic power pack tentatively. The next ,I choice the standardized parts and components of hydraulic system detail. Finally, I optional regrouping the various component of the whole system and driving the installation diameter of the hydraulic power pack.

    Key words : operating conditions  pressure time diagram  variable displacement pump  manifold block


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景及其必要性概述 1

    1.2 液压设备的研究现状及发展方向 2

    1.2.1 研究现状 2

    1.2.2 发展方向 3

    1.3 课题研究方法 4

    1.4 课题研究任务 5

    第二章  液压泵站设计 7

    2.1 明确设计任务及流程 7

    2.1.1 设计任务 7

    2.1.2 设计流程 7

    2.2 明确技术要求: 8

    2.3 分析液压系统工况、确定液压系统的主要参数 9

    2.3.1 载荷的组成和计算 9

    2.3.2 初选系统工作压力 13

    2.3.3 计算液压缸的主要结构尺寸 14

    2.3.4 绘制液压系统工况图

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