
    摘要: 根据实际生产需求,设计搅拌釜,通过对流场进行数值模拟,分析比较桨叶形式、转速、桨叶离底距离和桨叶离液面距离等因素对搅拌槽中的固-液混合搅拌效果的影响,根据搅拌效果优化设计双层桨叶,使苯乙烯液体和聚苯乙烯粒子混合溶解达到最佳的固-液搅拌效果,实现提高生产效率,扩大产能,获得更高性价比和经济效益的目的。结果表明,当双层桨叶类型为6折叶开启式涡轮( ),上桨叶离下封头边300mm,下桨叶离底高度360mm,中心搅拌和转速120rpm时,搅拌效果最佳。47045

    毕业论文关键词: 搅拌器;优化设计;数值模拟

    Optimization design of double blade agitator

    Abstract: According to the requirements of practical production,stirred tank should be designed and researched.To analyze the effect of solid-liquid mixing in stirred tank by comparing blade forms,rotational speed,distance from blade to bottom and distance from blade to liquid level by the numerical simulation of flow field. According to the mixing effect, the agitator structure parameters are optimized.The optimized design of double blade make the mixing of styrene liquid and polystyrene particles.It will improve production efficiency, expand production capacity and obtain a higher cost performance and economic benefits.When agitator is the open turbine type agitator,the blade angle is 45 °, blade number is 6, upper blade from the bottom edge is 300mm, distance from blade to bottom is 360mm, eccentric distance is 100mm and speed is 120rpm,the mixing effect is best.

    KeyWords:  agitator; optimal design; numerical simulation


    1 绪论 1

     1.1 研究背景及意义 1

     1.2 搅拌釜内固液两相搅拌体系的研究现状 1

       1.2.1 国内外实验研究现状2

       1.2.2 国内外数值模拟研究现状 3

     1.3 主要研究内容 4

    2 搅拌釜 5

     2.1 搅拌釜釜体的设计 5

       2.1.1 设计要求 5

       2.1.2 设计条件 5

       2.1.3 设计方案 5

       2.1.4 尺寸计算 8

     2.2. 强度计算 11

       2.2.1 确定工况 11

       2.2.2 选材 11

       2.2.3 厚度计算 11

       2.2.4 水压试验 14

    3 桨叶的设计 14

     3.1 桨叶型式 15

       3.1.1 桨叶的分类 15

       3.1.2 桨叶选型 16

     3.2 挡板的设计 17

    4 桨叶的优化设计 20

     4.1 数值模拟 20

     4.2 方案 21

     4.3 实验 21

     4.4 数值模拟的结果与分析 22

        4.4.1 桨叶类型不同对流场的影响 23

        4.4.2 叶片数不同对流场的影响

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