    摘 要在本文中,笔者作为一名本科生,依据10500DWT 油船的总布置图、基本结构图与典型横剖面为已知信息,初步进行了10500DWT 油船的建造方案和分段划分方法分析,并就双层底HB02 分段的船体生产具体过程进行了大致的设计。本次设计的主要内容包含:10500DWT 油船分段划分,HB02分段建造方案的选择和论证;HB02分段拼板图与结构图的绘制;以及该分段结构零件码的编制与零件明细表的绘制。现如今,现代船舶建造实行分段总段建造,大致基于船体材料、焊接技术、计算机软件纸上造船技术、船舶建造规范这几种因素。在船级社建造规范之下,设计部门应船东载重量,航行地,载货种类等要求,对船舶进行初步设计,涉及船舶主要尺度,马力,功率,型线等数据。再进行详细设计,确定船舶构件与分布。进而进行分段划分,建造方案与分段生产设计。船舶分段划分需要充分结合工厂的设备、能力、人员,并且建造过程的安全性,易建造性。笔者本次分段划分设计,旨在学习船舶结构与思考设计的可行性,设计时尽管尽量补足理论知识,但由于缺乏实际经验,依然有种镜花水月的模糊感。希望能在走上工作岗位后,努力学习进行弥补。本次设计也进行了典型底部双层底分段的设计, 生产设计船舶生产设计是将详细设计建模细化后,转化为现场施工图纸的过程。它对现场有直接指导作用。进行生产设计,设计者在考虑分段的建造过程可行性与吊运过程的安全性时,还应控制分段的制造精度,减少现场切割与补涂。58673
    AbstractThis article describes the specific process 10,500DWT Oil tanker segment HB02double bottom hull production design. The main contents of design include:10500DWT Oiltanker segmentation; Selection and demonstration for the construction of segment; drawingpuzzle map and structure chart; drawing of parts drawings and parts lists; draw coded hullstructural parts and parts list preparation; determining the essentials of block painting andcoating preparation program.Today, the construction of modern ship carry out the general section, It based on hullmaterials, welding technology, computer software, shipbuilding standard. In the shipclassification society construction specifications, the design department should meet shipowner's weight, navigation, cargo types and other requirements. And then carry on thepreliminary design of the ship, involving the main scale of the ship, horsepower, power,type of wire and other data. And then carry out a detailed design to determine thecomponent and distribution of the ship. And then carries on the section pision, theconstruction plan and the section production design.The ship segmentation requires the combination of equipment, capacity and personnel,safety and ease of the construction process. In this design, I need study the feasibility of theship's structure and think the design, when I carry on the design,although try tocomplement the theoretical knowledge, but due to the lack of practical experience, thereare still elusive fuzzy sense. Hope to be able to go to work, work hard to make up for.This design also carries on the typical bottom section design, production of shipproduction design is the detailed design modeling refinement, into the field of constructiondrawing process. It has direct guidance to the field. In the process of production design, thedesigner should also control the manufacturing precision of the segment and reduce thefield cutting and filling and the safety of the construction process.
    Keywords: Oil tanker; pision of sections; Hull production design; Double bottomsegmentation.






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