




    Fine Slurry Pump Design

    Abstract: In recent years, with the demand for the persification of paper and its products, the papermaking industry in China has been developing rapidly. The traditional mechanical pulping and papermaking process need to use equipment a lot to transport the slurry to the designated place. Fine pump as the slurry conveying machinery, it plays a very important role in the traditional papermaking process.

    Fine slurry pump working principle is: when the motor of the pump shaft driven impeller rotates at a high speed, leaf prompted medium fast rotation, rotation of the medium under the action of centrifugal force from the impeller fly out, pump the water is drained, the central part of the impeller formed vacuum region. A constant suction of liquid, one side and constantly give the liquid to the inhalation of a certain energy, liquid discharge. Complete the delivery of the slurry.

    The main content of this design is that: first of all, After the consideration of different pump's Performance, structure, process, feasibility, l chose the most suitable fine slurry pump. After calculating and checking the main parts of the pump, l draw the assembly drawing and the main spare parts of the pump through my drawing skills.

    Keywords: pump; papermaking; centrifugal pumps

     目 录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 国内浆泵设备 1

    1.3 课题实际应用与意义 3

    2 细浆泵的工作原理与基本结构 4

    2.1 细浆泵的工作原理 4

    2.2 细浆泵的基本结构 4

    3 细浆泵方案论证 6

    3.1 细浆泵结构方案论证 6

    3.1.1 细浆泵类型的选择 6

    3.1.2 细浆泵吸入形式的选择 6

    3.1.3 细浆泵级数与涡室的选择 6

    3.2细浆泵叶轮结构方案论证 6

    3.2.1细浆泵叶轮概述 6

    3.2.2 开式、半开式叶轮 7

    3.2.3单、双流道式叶轮 7

    3.2.4螺旋离心式叶轮 7

    3.2.5 旋流式叶轮 7


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