


    毕业论文关键词 双层V形件 冲压 回弹 有限元分析 正交试验


    Title  Finite element analysis on the Springback of     Double-deck V-shaped sheet metal                        


    With the constantly improvement of the industrial technology the stamping precision, the requirement of the sheet metal stamping for the springback control is increasing. It is more complicated to control the springback of  the double-deck sheet metal. In this paper, one of the most commonly used sheet metal,the double-deck V-shaped sheet metal was selected to discuss the impact of different factors on this sheet metal ,such as blank holder force, stamping speed, the thickness of the sheet metal, the mold angle, the radius of fillet, and the frictional coefficient. With the Dynaform,, the quantitative finite element analysis of both the inner sheet and the outer sheet which effected by different parameters was made. To control the springback of the double-deck V-shaped sheet matel and provide help for actual production, Orthogonal test was used to research the better value.

    Keywords  springback;double-deck V-shaped sheet metal;analysis; Orthogonal test

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 课题选题背景 1

    1.2 双层V形件冲压回弹研究现状 1

    1.3 本论文主要构架 2

    2 双层V形件冲压回弹理论分析 3

    2.1 板料V形弯曲回弹理论模型 3

    2.2 板厚及中性层弯曲半径的计算 4

    2.3 V形件的回弹计算 5

    3  双层V形件冲压建模与仿真步骤 7

    3.1双层V形件模具与板料建模 7

    3.2双层V形件冲压仿真步骤 9

    4  双层V形件冲压回弹仿真及试验分析 12

    4.1具体方案设定 12

    4.2压边力对双层V形件回弹的影响 13

    4.3内外板厚对双层V形件冲压回弹的影响 17

    4.4模具开度对双层V形件冲压回弹的影响 22

    4.5圆角半径对双层V形件冲压回弹的影响 26

    4.6冲压速度对双层V形件冲压回弹的影响 30

    4.7摩擦系数对双层V形件冲压回弹的影响 35

    4.8本章小结 39

    5  双层V形件冲压仿真正交试验及分析 40

    5.1 确定正交试验的因素个数

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