

    关键词:     连杆;   结构设计;    加工工艺

    Abstract  This paper mainly discusses the connecting rod of 80 diesel engine series of structure design and process arrangement. For connecting rod is piston engines and compression of key part, through the connecting rod will be the piston and crankshaft joined up. The small head hole and the piston pin connections, and together with the pistons for reciprocating movement; The big and of the crankshaft crank pin connected together, and crank together make the rotary motion; The other part is for connecting the complex planar movement. Will the force in the role of the piston the transfer to the crankshaft connecting rod. In the movement of the main gas pressure under reciprocating inertia force and produced alternating load. So make sure the connecting rod has enough structure stiffness and fatigue strength at the same time, should as far as possible to reduce its quality. In its process arrangement, according to "first after benchmark general" processing principle. The main processing surface is connecting rod head size holes and two end, of the more important for head cover and the combination of the connecting rod body surface. Arrange reasonable technology to make it meet the ideal size requirement.

    Keyword :   Connecting rod;     Structure design;     Processing technology


    第一章   绪论 1

    第二章  柴油机连杆的设计 3

    2.1柴油机连杆的用途及其特点 3

    2.2连杆的工作情况、设计要求、和材料的选用 3

    2.2. 1、工作情况 4

    2.2 2、连杆的结构分析 5

    2.2. 3、设计要求 5

    2.2. 4、 工程材料的选取 6

    2.3连杆结构的基本设计 7

    2.3. 1连杆长度的确定 7

    2.3. 2、连杆小头的设计 8

    2.3.4、连杆大头的结构设计 11

    2.3. 5、轴瓦的结构设计 13

    2.3. 6、连杆质量的换算 14

    2.4连杆的强度刚度校核计算 18

    2.4. 1、连杆小头的强度校核 18

    2.4. 2、连杆杆身的强度校核 21

    2.4. 3、连杆大头的强度、刚度计算 23

    2.5连杆螺栓的设计 25

    2.5. 1、连杆螺栓的工作负荷与预紧力

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