





    Welding machine for the specified the workpiece and must be the shape of the welding joint and special design of welding equipment.It can be used for welding power source and with other units in the automatic welding system.The machine mainly by the rotary worktable, displacements of institutions and controller.Rotary worktable speed adjustable, with independent control circuit.

    The subject of design requirement for Stretching arm-the welding dislodgement machine are one of the most widely applied a deflection welding machine.Load for no more than a ton of general,and request for 0.5 tons.Stretching arm-the welding dislodgement machine`s main parts are the displacement worktable rotary organization, flip institutions and base.The design is mainly design of workbench rotary institutions and arms outstretched rotating mechanism and a p art and parts of a parameter selection,demand has good stability and impact resistance.The smooth realization of rotary and arms outstretched to drive the cone Angle of 45 ° rotation,control circuit of the main frequency converter is to control.

    Stretching arm- welding dislodgement machine is advantageous to the realization the best position welding process, improves the working efficiency, reduces the fatigue strength and achieves the good welded joint shape.

    Keywords:streching arm-welding;dislogement machine;over organization; reducer


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  研究设计焊接变位机的目的和意义 1

    1.2  焊接变位机发展的现状 1

    1.2.1  国内焊接变位机的发展现状 1

    1.2.2  国外焊接变位机的产品简介 2

    1.3  焊接变位机结构形式 3

    1.4  焊接变位机械应具备的性能 4

    第二章  总体方案设计 5

    2.1  设计要求 5

    2.2  总体方案的确定 5

    2.2.1  工作台 12

    2.2.2  工作台回转机构 12

    2.2.3  伸臂旋转机构 15

    2.2.4  底座 15

    第三章  工作台回转减速器设计 7

    3.1  传动方案 7

    3.2  选择电机和确定传动比 7

    3.3  各轴的参数 9

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