




    This paper mainly designs a series of sea valves for marine use. Marine sea valve is composed of valve body, valve stem, valve cover, valve disc and a series of components. Its internal structure is mainly controlled by the umbrella handle, the valve is closed, so as to cut off or open channel, control of the ship water out of the ship. The valve is widely used in the shipbuilding industry, it is the switch to control the fluid flow. 

    In product design and development process, standardization, generalization, and parts of the series is to improve product design quality, shorten the product development cycleand effective way. Products of the series basic pieces of good versatility, it can according to the special requirements of trends and consumer market, the reasonable way of economic development product variants, flexible to develop new varieties, which can meet the needs of the market, but also to maintain the stability of production organization of enterprises, but also to maximize the conservation of the design strength, this series of products is an important principle in product design. Enterprises must be designed in accordance with product serialization requirements, not on the series spectrum to gradually form a series, the series spectrum should be strictly in accordance with the series design, ensure new product according to a series of development.

    Keywords: Gate valve, structure, series


    摘要 VII

    Abstract VIII

    第一章绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.1.1研究目的及意义 2

    1. 1.2国内外的发展现状及存在问题 2

    1.2  吸入式通海阀工作原理及构成 3

    1.3 本章小结 5

    第二章 吸入式通海阀的计算校核 6

    2.1 阀体的壁厚计算校核 6

    2.2 阀体的密封面和密封环上总作用力及其计算比压计算 6

    2.3 阀杆的强度验算 7

    2.4阀杆头部强度验算 10

    2.5阀盘强度验算 11

    2.6通海阀阀盖强度校核 12


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