    摘要测量爆炸场温度,研究爆炸场的温度分布规律,可为炸药和相关弹药的威力考核与分析提供依据,具有重要的意义。    某型弹爆炸温度场具有温度高、面积大、变化快的特点,伴有高压及高速气流,并需要进行真空爆炸及内爆炸试验,应用常规的温度测试方法存在一定难度。基于此,开展了基于热电偶的爆炸场瞬态温度存储测试技术研究。
     关键词 : 热电偶  爆炸温度场  存储测试系统   LABVIEW
    Title    The design of storage measurement systement in explosion temperature field
    The temperature measurement and research on temperature distribution of explosion field provide the basis for explosives and ammunition on the power of evaluation and analysis,is of great significance    
    A bomb of certain for explosion temperature field has the characteristics such as large area,high temperature,rapid changes,and with high speed and high pressure air flow.And the need for test of vacuum explosions and internal explosion.so application of conventional methods of temperature measurement is difficult.Against that background, research on storage test technology of transient temperature for explosive field based on thermocouple is carried out.
    The paper provides a design procedure of temperature measurement system of memory type for explosion temperature field,including host computer and hardware circuit. The hardware structure of the hardware circuit system consists mainly of WRE thermocouple,signal dealing module,the CPU master control module,power module,memory module,communication interface and external auxiliary circuit and so on.The host computer software is compiled by adopting LABVIEW
    Keywords  Thermocouple   Explosion temperature field  Storage test system     LABVIEW
     目   次    1
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 课题研究国内外发展现状    1
    1.2.1 爆炸温度的测试技术研究现状    1
    1.2.2 存储测试技术的研究现状    3
    2  测试系统性能及指标论证    4
    2.1 概述    4
    2.2 爆炸反应机理    4
    2.3 爆炸场温度测试需面对的问题    5
    2.4 系统指标论证    5
    3  系统设计总体方案    7
    4  热电偶温度传感器选取    9
    5  存储测试系统硬件电路设计    10
    5.1 信号调理电路设计    10
    5.1.1 放大电路设计    10
    5.1.2 滤波电路设计    12
    5.2 触发电路与模数转换模块    13
    5.2.1 触发电路设计    13
    5.2.2 模数转换电路    14
    5.3 主控制模块    15
    5.4 单片机外围电路设计    16
    5.4.1 存储器扩展电路    16
    5.4.2 复位电路    17
    5.4.3 晶振电路    18
    5.4.4 串行通讯接口    19
    5.4.5 系统电源设计    19
    5.5 热电偶冷端补偿电路设计    21
    5.5.1 冷端补偿方法    21
    5.5.2 冷端补偿电路设计    21
    6  存储测试系统的软件编写    24
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