

    毕业论文关键词  螺纹旋风铣削,MATLAB,工艺优化,表面粗糙度


    Title  Large Thread Whirlwind Milling Process Optimization Based on the Vibration and Temperature On-line Detection
    Abstract High-speed hard whirling for large-scale thread is an advanced machining technology which holds advantages of high efficiency, well processing quality, and green technique without needing cutting lubricant. The on-line detection system was constructed to study the whirling process parameters on whirling process. Meanwhile, the influencing factors was also studied, which can provide design basis for the whirling process of screw.

    The optimization of whirling process parameters was studied based on the vibration signals of the whirling machine in the whirling process. The single factor test was employed to study the influences of process parameters on hard whirling process.The effect of whirling process parameters and vibration on the thread surface roughness was researched. The vibration signal was chosen to reflect the interaction of the cutting tool, whirling machine and the screw work piece.

    Keywords  Thread hard whirling, MATLAB, Process optimization, Surface roughness

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  论文研究的目的、意义 2

    1.3  国内外的研究概况 3

    1.4  课题主要研究内容 5

    2  螺纹旋风铣削在线监测系统搭建与分析 7

    2.1  引言 7

    2.2  旋风铣削工艺参数优化试验 7

    2.3  螺纹旋风铣削振动信号的采集 12

    2.4  螺纹旋风铣削切削温度信号的采集与分析 15

    2.5  螺纹滚道表面粗糙度的检测 17

    2.6  小结 19

    3  螺纹旋风铣削的振动信号处理 20

    3.1  引言 20

    3.2  振动加速度信号预处理 20

    3.3  振动加速度信号转换为振动位移信号 25

    3.4  求解振动信号特征值数据 26

    3.5  小结 30

    4  工艺参数、振动信号与表面粗糙度的关系分析 31

    4.1  引言 31

    4.2  分析振动位移信号 31

    4.3  振动信号对表面粗糙度的影响

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