

    毕业论文关键词  直线度测量,氦氖激光器,PSD,工控机


    Title  The hardware design of a tube straightness test system        

    Abstract Gun tube is a very important component in an artillery. It is used to determine the initial velocity and firing direction of the projectile. Therefore, fast and accurate measurement of the size paraments in the artillery bore plays a key role in improving accuracy and predicting the remaining life of the artillery accurately.Based on tests of gun tube linearity, this paper introduces a detection system which has adopted the technology of laser collimation and photoelectric inspection to measure gun tube linearity. This system possesses many advantages of high precision, high efficiency, non-touched real-time display and high reliability. It is able to realize quick and exact measurement of internal diameter of artillery tube. It uses PSD as sensors to measure linearity of artillery bore manually. Data collected is transmitted to the IPC through data cables and processed by software platform based on Labview.This paper mainly describes the design of hardware system. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various hardwares, appropriate components are selected, assembled and fixed. Finally, data are tested with software. Experiments prove that various indicators of the detection system for linearity have reached the requirements of system design, and the system can meet pragmatic needs.

    Keywords  linearity measurement; He-Ne laser; PSD; IPC

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  本文选题背景与意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本课题的主要研究内容和技术方案 5

    2  身管直线度测试系统总体设计 7

    2.1  系统组成 7

    2.2  工作原理 7

    3  身管直线度测试系统的硬件 8

    3.1  硬件选择 8

    3.2  硬件设备的安装 14

    3.3  硬件结构分析 16

    4  直线度测量数据处理方法 17

    4.1  模型分析 17

    4.2  数据采集 18

    5  直线度测量实验结果处理 20

    5.1  直线度误差的评定方法

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