         三轴稳定卫星使用平面太阳能电池板而卫星自身稳定使用圆柱太阳能电池板。这两种类型都有自己的优点也有缺点。在三轴稳定卫星,平面的太阳能电池板可旋转到最大拦截点太阳能产生最大的电力。为例如,15英尺长的 INTELSAT-V 系列卫星太阳能电池板产生超过1.2kW电力。然而在自旋稳定卫星,太阳能电池板始终面向太阳,他们在相对较高的温度下运作,从而降低效率,在阴影的细胞可以冷却下来时,
        太阳翼伸展机构是三轴稳定卫星的主要组成部分。太阳翼能否顺利展开关系到卫星发射的成败。世界航天史上发生了多起卫星太阳翼在空间轨道展开失败而导致卫星发射或运行失败的事例。比如: 1981年6月印度的APPLE卫星在轨太阳电池阵没有打开,整星失效; 1983年8月美国福特公司为印度研制的INSAT卫星入轨后太阳电池阵不能展开,整星灾难性事故
    关键词:太阳能,太阳板 ,卫星太阳翼伸展机构,
    Title: Satellite solar wings stretch agencies
    The solar panel is nothing but a series and parallel connection of a large number of solar cells. The voltage output and the current delivering capability of an inpidual solar cell are very small for it to be of any use as an electrical power input to any satellite subsystem. The series–parallel arrangement is employed to get the desired output voltage with the required power delivery capability. A large surface area is therefore needed in order to produce the required amount of power. The need for large solar panels must, however, be balanced against the need for the entire satellite to be as small and light weight as possible.
    The three-axis body stabilized satellites use flat solar panels whereas spin stabilized satellites use cylindrical solar panels. Both types have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the case of three-axis stabilized satellites, the flat solar panels can be rotated to intercept maximum solar energy to produce maximum electric power. For example, 15 foot long solar panels on Intelsat-V series satellites produce in excess of 1.2 kW of power. However, as the solar panels always face the sun, they operate at relatively higher temperatures and thus reduced efficiency as compared to solar panels on spin-stabilized satellites, where the cells can cool down when in shadow.
    On the other hand, in the case of spin-stabilized satellites, such as Intelsat-VI series satellites, only one-third of the solar cells face the sun at a time and hence greater numbers of cells are needed to get the desired power, which in turn leads to an increase in the mass of the satellite. This disadvantage is, however, partially offset by reduction in the satellite mass due to use of a relatively simpler thermal control system and attitude control system in the case of spin stabilized satellites. It may be mentioned here that in the case of newer satellites requiring more power, the balance may tilt in favor of three-axis stabilized satellites.
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