    Experimental Design on Three-dimensional Vibration Test of the Tool when Turning Nylon Material
    【Abstract】Tool vibration tends to affect the surface finish quality and efficiency of workpiece.If you can not solve the impact of turning vibrations, it will cause unnecessary losses and endanger the safety of workers.This paper focuses on three-dimensional vibration response of the tool when turning nylon material.We designed three pilot programs(1)To ensure the other turning parameters constant, changing the turning depth, three-dimensional vibration analysis tool turning variation with the cutting depth;(2)To ensure the other turning parameters constant, changing the rate feed,three-dimensional vibration analysis tool turning variation with the rate feed;(3)To ensure the other turning parameters constant, changing the spindle speed, three-dimensional vibration analysis tool turning variation with the spindle speed.Frequency domain analysis, the tool each maximum value from the power spectrum of the vibration signal and the corresponding frequency.The study shows:(1)When changing the turning depth,the  auti-power spectrum has a little fluctuation in X direction and Y direction and the auto-power value becomes larger with the lager turning deep in Z direction.(2)When changing the rate feed,the auto-power value becomes smaller with the lager rate feed in X direction and it becomes larger with the lager rate feed in Y direction and Z direction.(3)When changing the spindle speed,the auto-power value becomes larger with the lager spindle speed in X direction, Y direction and Z direction.
    【Keyword】Turning vibration;Nylon material;Three-vibration;Frequency domain analysis;
    Experimental Research
    摘要    1
    前言    2
    1 绪论    3
    1.1研究意义    3
    1.2研究现状和研究内容    3
    1.3研究方法和技术路线    7
    1.3.1研究方法    7
    1.3.2技术路线    7
    2 试验测试技术基础    9
    2.1传感器的分类以及选取    9
    2.2实验设备的选取    13
    2.2.1.DH5901手持式动态信号测试分析仪    13
    2.2.2  HS5670型多通道噪声/振动分析仪    16
    2.2.3.亚泰多通道振动分析仪    16
    2.2.4.QLVC-ZSA1型振动分析仪    17
    3 尼龙材料车削振动试验    19
    3.1实验设备    19
    3.2实验方案    21
    3.3实验步骤    22
    4 试验数据分析    30
    4.1 切削深度对刀具三向振动的影响    30
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