
    摘要近几十年来,复合材料发展迅速。在航空航天、军事、船舶和建筑等领域所占的比重越来越大。而无人艇复合材料纤维铺放系统是碳纤维增强塑料的先进制造装备之一, 它适于加工外形复杂的构件。纤维铺放头机构在本文设计的装备中是一个关键机构。本课题针对船舶中的高性能碳纤维无人小艇的制造,提出一个设计方案,实现碳纤维铺放的加料、施压、剪切、加热等功能 。51997


    毕业论文关键词:复合材料 ;纤维铺放 ;铺放头;方案设计 


    In recent decades, the rapid development of composite materials. In the aerospace, military, marine and construction and other fields the proportion is growing. The unmanned boat composite fiber placement system is a carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) is one of the advanced manufacturing equipment, it is suitable for processing complex shape components. Fiber placement head is the key institutions of the equipment of this topic for the ship in the high-performance carbon fibers manufactured unmanned boats propose a design scheme to achieve carbon fiber placement of feeding, pressing, cutting, heating and other functions . 

    To achieve the above functions, the paper proposed a similar way to achieve the goal-fiber placement apparatus X, Y, Z axis direction movement, to meet the needs of the mold surface. Hinge mechanism driven by the air cylinder to achieve the operation of the cutter head and the complete fiber cut and clamping process. Through the motor driven feed roller gear and methods to accomplish the fiber resend. Similarly, the cylinder and the pressure roller under the effect of the fiber can be achieved in the mold surface of the pressure, so as to adjust the air cylinder to achieve a given pressure purposes. This design shows the placement machine developed for complete clamping, cutting and re-delivery aspects of the function, proved the feasibility of this device.

    Keywords: Composite materials; fiber placement; placement head; program design


    第一章 绪论 1

       1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1

       1.2 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 1

        1.2.1 铺丝机技术国内外研究现状 1

        1.2.2 铺放机构国内外研究现状 2

        1.2.3 目前存在的问题 4

       1.3 本课题研究的内容 5

       1.4 本章小结 5

    第二章 总体方案设计 6

       2.1 面向对象说明 6           

      2.2功能需求分析 6

            2.2.1铺放机身布置 6           


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