    Abstract Along with the development of social economy in China, the amount of the vibration screen need is increasing, and the requirements for the quality and efficiency of the vibration screen are also higher and higher.. Vibrating screen is mainly used in coal preparation industry, in order to ensure the quality of coal preparation not only need vibrating screen with high productivity, high screening efficiency, dehydration efficiency, simple structure, convenient assembly, easy to maintenance and repair. Prior to the use of cylindrical sieve, roller screen do not have good performance, so have the above advantages vibration sieve has gradually become the mainstream of the machinery.
    Double - drive synchronous linear vibrating screen is widely used in coal preparation and other industrial fields. The vibrating sieving device can be used for particle classification, dewatering, mud removal and desorption.. As for coal preparation industry, the coal preparation industry has the same important effect as the coal preparation industry productivity.. The advanced technology has a direct impact on the development of coal preparation industry, the separation of the process and the production efficiency has important influence.
    The development trend and the application foreground of the vibrating screen are introduced, and the necessity of the design of the vibrating screen is explained.. For design and calculation of the vibration sieve of each structure, including calculation of dynamics and kinematics parameters, design of exciter, engine selection, sieve sieve frame surface design, shaft, bond strength check, coupling of the selection and design.
    Keywords: Double motor drive; Linear vibrating screen; Vibration exciter
    目  录
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    第1章 绪论    5
    1.1课题研究的目的及意义    5
    1.1.1课题研究的目的    6
    1.1.2课题的意义    6
    1.2国内外振动筛分机械的发展    7
    1.3本次设计的内容    7
    第2章 整体结构设计    8
    2.1传动方式的选择    8
    2.2设计方案介绍与选择    9
    2.3减振装置的确定    9
    2.4激振器结构设计    10
    2.4.1激振器结构类型的选择    10
    2.4.2工作原理分析    11
    2.5本章小结    12
    第3章 双电机自同步振动筛参数确定    13
    3.1自同步筛的工艺参数的确定    13
    3.2振动筛动力参数计算    14
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