    Design of Band Dryer
    Abstract:With the animal husbandry development,livestock waste emissions increased dramatically and increasing the problem of environmental pollution.Some research suggest that there is a high recycling value of dried livestock.The thesis is focused on designing a belt type drying machine, which is available for drying pretreated the initial moisture content of 42% of livestock manure and reduced up to the final moisture content of 20%.The drying machine rate up to 12m³/h.The dryer take the six modular structure,not only reduces the size of the equipment,but you also can choose a different number of belt layers depending on the amount, that realize the processing to the persification of forms of the device.The dryer takes the chain drive as the main transmission way and takes the wire mesh belt as the conveyer belt.And the control system make the net belt running speed and the hot air temperature can be adjusted.And there is a thermal insulation layer on the dryer to improve the energy utilization.
    Keywords:belt dryer;multilayer;belt;chain drive;biogas;stove
    1绪论    1
    1.1引言    1
    1.2课题背景    1
    1.3国内外研究动态    2
    1.3.1烘干机的介绍及分类    2
    1.3.2国内烘干机的研究现状    3
    1.3.3国外烘干机的研究现状    4
    1.4课题的研究内容及设计特点    5
    1.5本章小结    6
    2烘干系统的工作原理及设计    7
    2.1带式烘干机的工作原理及其分类    7
    2.1.1带式烘干机的工作原理    7
    2.1.2带式烘干机的分类    7
    2.2基本干燥过程的计算    10
    2.2.1干燥原理    10
    2.2.2烘干机的物料衡算    11
    2.2.3烘干机的热量衡算    13
    2.2.4干燥速率与干燥时间的计算    15
    2.2.5带长Ld和运行线速度u的计算    17
    2.3烘干机传动系统的设计    17
    2.3.1原动机的选择    18
    2.3.2减速器的选择    20
    2.3.3轴的设计    21
    2.3.4键的设计与校核    22
    2.3.5轴承使用寿命校核    23
    2.3.6联轴器的选择    25
    2.3.7链传动    26
    2.3.8网带及其他零部件    27
    2.4本章小结    29
    3干燥过程辅助系统的设计及选型    30
    3.1烘干机的加料装置    30
    3.2热风系统的设计    31
    3.2.1热源的选择    31
    3.2.2热风系统选型    31
    3.3烘干机的控制系统    36
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