    Volumetric Glass fiber bulk materials feeder
    Abstract:With the development of economy, more and more production personnel to use modern equipment to develop production, reduce labor intensity, improving product quality, improving work efficiency, increasing economic benefits. China's rapid economic development, with the continuous expansion of production scale, the use of machinery instead of manual feeding has been widely recognized. Artificial feeding cannot guarantee the material uniformity, time-consuming, high labor intensity, low efficiency, and even waste material, increase the cost of Mechanical feeding has the following advantages: saving materials (artificial feeding save 10%~15%), reduces the labor intensity and save labor costs, increase production. Therefore, emerge as the times require feeding machine.
    The subject of the new feeding machine to improve the production efficiency to a certain extent influence the development of the industry. Fiber feeding machine is a special adaptation of modern engineering construction, and developed new equipment, reduce labor intensity, greatly improving the quality of the project.
    Keywords: mechanical feeding; automatic feeding machine; mechanical structure;
    目  录    1
    1 绪论    3
    1.1 课题介绍    3
    1.2 玻璃纤文的性能    3
    1.2.1 力学性能    3
    1.2.2 耐热性能    3
    1.2.3 化学稳定性能    4
    1.2.4 电性能    4
    1.2.5 其它性能    4
    1.3 玻璃纤文的应用    4
    1.3.1土木建筑    4
    1.3.2 交通运输    4
    1.3.3 机械工业    5
    1.3.4 化学工业    5
    1.3.5其他应用    5
    1.4 课题研究的意义    5
    1.5 国内外课题的研究进展与主要成果    6
    1.6 创新点及难点分析    7
    1.7 课题研究的内容    8
    2 投料机总体方案设计    9
    3 投料机的设计与计算    11
    3.1 料箱结构设计    11
    3.1.1 料箱的设计要求    11
    3.1.2 料箱的容量计算    12
    3.1.3 料箱的结构特点    12
    3.2 链传动设计与校核    13
    3.2.1 传动比确定    13
    3.2.2 第一组链轮传动设计    14
    3.2.3 第二组链轮传动设计    19
    3.2.4 第一组链轮传动的校核    24
    3.2.5 第二组链轮传动的校核    25
    3.3 曲柄滑块机构的设计    25
    3.3.1 曲柄滑块机构的构成    25
    3.3.2 曲柄滑块机构的运动规律    25
    3.3.3 滑块的位移和曲柄转角的规律    26
    3.3.4 滑块的速度和曲柄转角的规律    28
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